
Friday, October 24, 2008

Pictures from the Garden

The light was lovely this morning so I took a number of photos.

St. Lucia Yellow Seasoning

There's only one pod of the St. Lucia Yellow for seed saving. The insecticidal soap treatment for aphids really devestated this plant.

Tobago Seasoning

This plant bounced back from the aphid treatment so there are a few more pods for saving and cooking.

Rosita Eggplant

The first Rositas of the season!

Los Algarrobos Eggplant

Los Algarrobos is really late also. You can see the ubiquitous aphids, which are probably potato aphids. The potato aphids seem to love all solanums, they're on all the eggplants, peppers, and some of the tomatoes.

Not Aunt Ruby's German Green

These tomatoes were supposed to be Aunt Ruby's German Green, but they lose all their green when they ripen. The header at the top of the blog is a photo of last years Aunt Ruby's. The mystery tomato is quite delicious.


Hillbilly got off to a really slow start this year. I harvested only 2 tomatoes! Fortunately, the wonderful warm weather that we are enjoying this fall has prompted a nice flush of growth and fruit set. The tomatoes above should be ready to pick soon and there's more elsewhere on the plant. Yeah! Hillbilly is one of my favorite tomatoes.

Golden Chard

The golden chard is doing quite well and, for once, it is not infested with aphids! Last night we enjoyed it sauteed with garlic, pinenuts, raisins and a touch of sherry vinegar. Yum.

Various Brassicas

The brassicas are continuing to grow nicely. The Cavolo Nero is getting large enough that I can start picking some soon.

Leaf Amaranth Seed Head

Orach Seed Heads

Hvar Caper Blossom

Lion's Mane

Variegated Angel's Trumpet


1 comment:

  1. What a lovely garden...thanks for sharing! I'll be back see some more, Kim


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