
Monday, November 3, 2008

Cricket Serenade

I was dreaming about bomb plots, being in school (high school? college?, whatever), and smearing fresh home grown tomatoes on desks (part of the bomb plot). Be careful what you give your brain to process before you go to bed. But, before the plot could be brought to fruition, I woke up........ Crrk.........Crrrk........Crrrrk.....Crrrrk...Crrrrrk..Crrrrrk..Crrrrrk.................

A cricket? In the bedroom? Holy Tomato, it's LOUD. Fumble around noisely for the flashlight (necessary for the moonless night forays to the kitchen for a glass of water). Silence.

Just as I'm relaxing again... Crrk.......Crrk......Crrrk. Argh! Where are you!! Silence. Flashlight search ensues. Crum. Back to bed.

Crrk. Fumble. Silence....................15 minutes........I'm drifting off ............Crk.........Crrk...........Crrrk...Crrrk..Crrrrk..Crrrrk.. Could you please look for a girlfriend somewhere else? Three normally voracious, bug eating cats in the room, could one of you boys interrupt your 20 hour nap and have a cricket snack!

Flashlight search again, only this time Romeo doesn't shut up. There you are! How can such a small thing make so much noise! Water glass, cover it with the water glass. I'm gonna be nice and put you outside. Oooops, you got under the rim, I'm not very coordinated at 4:40 in the morning. Sorry Romeo.

Finally, quiet. Dang, the alarm goes off in less than an hour.

Make room on the couch boys, I'm gonna need a nap today.

1 comment:

  1. sorry you lost sleep but thanks for the smile.. been there done that !!


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