
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Cantua buxifolia


  1. Awesome shot, Michelle. Looks like a delicious candy.

  2. OK, I had to look this one up, as it's new to me. "Sacred Flower of the Andes" - gorgeous! National Flower of Boliva, 3" long flower tubes, grows to 7 ft. in the Bay Area. So much more original than boring old bouganvillea (sp). Did it really take 4 years to bloom for you?

  3. Chandramouli, it is sweet looking!

    Karen, If I remember correctly, it only took about 2 years to bloom. The poor thing spent about 4 years in a pot, didn't like the heat where I used to live, suffered mightily from spider mites... It's amazing it survived. Now that it's in a cooler environment and in the ground it has gone crazy. I supposed I could keep it down to 7 feet if I keep it pruned. Now I have to get the white flowered one out of its pot.

  4. Two years to flower...yikes. I hope mine flowers this year. Is this the first time it's flowered since you planted it out? At the SF Botanical Garden, Cantua seems to flower on and off all year with mid-summer being its peak, but I base that on my own erratic observations. In addition to the red, I have the yellow form too, but it's still in a pot and I have no idea what to do with it. (But I will figure something out, I'm sure.)

  5. Chuck, it bloomed while in the pot but didn't put on much of a show. Now that it's in the ground it puts on a good show in the spring and then quits when summer comes around. I wonder if warm weather shuts it down? Funny, I've got a yellow one sitting in a pot also and need to find a spot for it in the ground. That one has been in the pot for a year and doesn't have any buds yet.


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