
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Growth

After yesterday's Dr. Destructo post I thought it would be nice to post about the plants that I'm encouraging to grow.

Carrot seedlings and garlic grown for harvesting green.

That's my second sowing of carrots this year, I've got five varieties planted in their own rows. The variety in the photo is Atomic Red, and there's also Amarillo Yellow, Cosmic Purple, Lunar White, and Scarlet Nantes. The garlic is a mixture of varieties. I sowed the smallest cloves in a separate bed from my main planting so that I could harvest them like scallions without disturbing the garlic that will be allowed to grow to full maturity.

Pea Transplants

I've planted out 2 varieties of peas that I started in paper pots. In the foreground are Golden Snow Peas and in the rear are Magnolia Blossom Snaps. Next out will be the Green Beauty Snow Peas.

Golden Snow Pea

Magnolia Blossom Snap Pea
This variety has hyper-tendrils.

An albino Magnolia Blossom Pea Plant.

I doubt this one will do much but I planted it out to see what happens. The black blurry spots in the photo are because I took it through the bird netting that is draped over all the peas.

Baby Favas!

Persian Mint coming out of hibernation.


New shoots of variegated Lemon "Pink Lemonade"

The first California Poppy!
I LOVE that orange color.

A new pot of Pinetree Lettuce Mix.

Tuscan Arugula sprouting.

Golden Chard getting ready to bolt.

One itsy bitsy Romanesco Artichoke bud.


  1. Okay, now my blood pressure is down again, looking at your beautiful, burgeoning garden (instead of your flame thrower!)

  2. Daffodil Planter, well, I am a Gemini...

  3. I love the peas all in a row. So cute. Your show stopper though is the chard. Oh so beautiful. I wish my chard would get that big.

  4. Your pea plants look lovely! I just set out my first yesterday, grown in peat pellets. I had to check your profile to see where you are quite a bit ahead of me here in my zone 6b.
    Pinetree lettuce mix is a favorite of mine, and I love CA. poppies!

  5. You always take so many gorgeous pics!

  6. Daphne, I think that was one mutant chard plant, it out produced the other 3 plants put together! Hmm, I do tend to plant things in rows, but I guess that's mostly because I water the entire garden with inline drip emitters and it's easiest to run the lines straight. The lines aren't laid out yet for the peas.

    Hi Connie, I think this is your first comment here, welcome! This is my first time growing the Pinetree mix, but it seems that a number of people love it so I thought I'd give it a try.

    Jan & Steve, thanks, I glad you enjoyed them!

  7. Your plants are doing really well - fava beans already! I love that poppy - what a wonderful colour ... another flame, but a less destructive one than yesterday's.

  8. Chaiselongue, ah yes, a tame flame!

  9. What a beautiful poppy! Mine are still sitting around without even a bud.

  10. I have done zip on the veggie front so far, looking at this post makes me feel really lame. That chard is so vibrant, are you going to do anything with it or just let it reach 4 ft. like I seem to always do with mine? Can an albino plant grow, or does it lack chlorophyl so it can't? Wacky!

  11. Hi queerbychoice, don't despair, I have lots of poppies in the garden and only three have started to bloom so far... it'll happen!

    Karen, I think you've had plenty of excuses NOT to be in the garden lately so don't feel so lame, you wouldn't catch me out there in the snow. I'm thinking of finally taking out the chard, I don't want it to go crazy blooming, but it's been fun to watch so far... Those stems will make a tasty gratin and the leaves, lots of options there. I suspect the albino has been existing on the food stored in the seed and as soon as that's exhausted it will stop growing, but who knows?

  12. Wow, that golden chard is beautiful. I'd like to have that in my garden just for the purpose of doing a drawing of it.

    I'm anxious to see how your carrots do. I'm going to try growing them again, only this time I'm putting them in a raised bed with lots of fluffy soil. We'll see what happens...

  13. I'm so envious of your French tarragon. It's too hot in Austin to grow it and we must console ourselves with Mexican mint marigold. Both have that anise flavor but the French tarragon is much more delicate. (We did a side-by-side comparison by buying some French tarragon at the market.)

  14. I came across your blog when I was searching info on Magnolia Blossom peas. I found another person who had a plant come up that was also albino. Wondering if this is common with this variety. I haven't had a pea plant do that before. I wrote about this variety on my blog and included a link back to yours ( Thanks for the information. Would like to hear more about your experiences with this variety.


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