
Monday, August 24, 2009

Harvest Monday - 8/23/09

It's time once again to join Daphne in sharing what has come out of the garden in the past week. I'm really envious of her tomato harvests. This week I picked 2 more Black Seaman and a few cherry tomatoes - no photos of those. Shown in the photo above, not beans, Rat-tail radishes and Donkey Ears sweet peppers. I tried some of the radishes sauteed with garlic and a splash of white vinegar - good but not a wow. Most of the rest have been pickled. I pulled out the plants because they were crowding the pepper plants too much, I want the peppers far more than I want the radishes. The chickens loved picking the leaves and flowers off the radish plants. The Donkey Ears were used in my favorite Turkish Eggplant and Lentil Stew featuring eggplant from the farmer's market.

I thinned the carrots again, shown are St. Valery, Daghestan White, and Afghan Purple. Most of the Atomic reds did not survive the sow bugs.

And I didn't notice until too late for one of the Plaza Latin Giant tomatillos that they were starting to split. Half the split one is still ok.

Also harvested in the last week:
  • many sprigs of basil plus one large bunch for pesto
  • zucchini, zucchini, zucchini....
  • Piracicaba broccoli
  • a couple of quarts of Pimento de Padron peppers

If you've got a lovely harvest to brag about, join in the fun at Daphne's Dandelions and then take a look at what everyone else is harvesting.


  1. I have to grow normal tomatillos next year. The pineapple ones that I'm growing are tasty, but so small that the harvest isn't very much. Hmm maybe I'll grow one of each. I love your carrot thinnings. My fall carrots didn't germinate well now it is too late here to start them. Luckily I have some that have been slowed by being under my peppers and tomatoes, so I might get some this fall. My Atomic Reds didn't do well either. They tend to die rather than grow. I won't grow them again next year. I do like the taste however and they are so pretty, but they produce about 1/4 the amount that my other carrots do.

  2. Tomatillos are very pretty looking fruits! Do they taste anything like tomatoes?

  3. Daphne, the Plaza Latina Giant tomatillos are surprisingly good, I remember you were wondering if their large size might mean they had less flavor. I tasted them yesterday and made a dish with them that was delicious. But I haven't compared them with the purple ones yet.

    Jan, tomatillos have a bit of tomato flavor, they are related, but I think they have a citrusy, almost tropical fruit flavor as well, but without a lot of sweetness. Unripe tomatoes are often recommended as a substitute, but they really aren't the same.


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