
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh, Peaches!

I received a lovely basket of fresh peaches from a friend. She stripped her peach tree because the critters were starting to devour them. So I spent a chunk of yesterday afternoon putting some of them up. I got through 5 pounds of them and there is still at least that much left. There's a couple of jars of chutney and four jars of pickled peaches. I'm also trying peach flavored vinegar, which uses the peels and pits. I haven't tasted any of these goodies yet, but when I do, and if they are good enough, I'll post the recipes.

Next up is a batch of peach jam. And then I'm sure there will be enough fruit left to make ice cream or sorbet.


  1. I so admire you! I received a batch of nectarines, and made a smoothie and clafouti. That got me through 5 pounds, or maybe a bit more...Now, if there were good recipes, maybe I'd be better next year ;->

  2. Oh, peaches indeed. I'm particularly fond of peach salsa, so when I get some, I may tend toward that!


  3. Town Mouse, I forgot about smoothies! Gotta have one. I haven't tasted testes the preserves yet... I suspect that I may have overcooked the pickles though, they look a bit ragged in the jars.

    Stefaneener, Salsa sounds great too. Do you have a recipe to share?

  4. Mmmmm! Yum, yum. I can almost taste those fresh pickled peaches over some warm, buttered toast. Sounds lovely. :)

  5. Cindy, that sounds good. Or maybe on waffles? Yum, toast is easier :)

  6. Oh wonderful! Lucky you! I'd make granita with some of them. I did this recently and it preserves the fresh taste of the fruit - and it's easy! The chutney sounds good, too.

  7. Chaiselongue, granita sounds wonderful, especially since we've been having warmer than usual weather the last few days. Have you posted a recipe on your food blog?

  8. Peaches are my favorite summer fruit - just finished a bowl of sliced peaches and cottage cheese for breakfast. My fav recipes: peach/blueberry smoothies, peach & spinach salad with pecans and peach sangria. Oh, and check out Katie at for a whiskey peach cobbler recipe I haven't tried yet that looks scrumptous!

    Michelle, you certainly have one of the most mouth watering blogs around!

  9. Susan, more great ideas for a bounty of peaches! It all sounds so good.

  10. After reading this the other day, I made some peach granita and we had some of it tonight.. lovely!

  11. Hi Jan, that's 2 votes now for peach granita, I'm going to have to try some.


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