
Monday, September 21, 2009

Harvest Monday - 9/21/09

Here's what came out of my garden in the past week. There would have been lots more to show if I hadn't been gone for a few days. I haven't harvested anything since the 17th. The tomatoes are really coming in now! I'm in heaven...

Here's a tray full of cherry tomatoes: Black Cherry, Galinas, and Isis Candy. Some of these became Oven Candied Cherry Tomatoes: Toss the tomatoes with some olive oil, salt, and pepper, spread on a rimmed cookie sheet, roast at 300F for about 2 hours until shrunken, shriveled, and caramelized. Yummy good and they keep in the fridge for a long time.

Blue Beech paste tomatoes and Black Sea Man.

Clockwise from the upper left: Giantesque, Caspian Pink, Paul Robeson, Hillbilly, Chocolate Stripes, and Aunt Ruby's German Green.

Piracicaba broccoli shoots, Plaza Latina Giant tomatillos, runty little Marconi Purple sweet peppers (the runts are just as tasty as the full size peppers), Pimento de Padron peppers, and Purple tomatillos. And what is probably the last zucchini. It's not powdery mildew that did the zukes in, it was a mole (a family of moles?) that seemed intent on rototilling one of my beds. It severed most of the zucchini roots and pushed a bunch of seedlings around. Dang rodents...

I've been roasting the tomatillos and packing them in containers and freezing them. The purple tomatillos keep a lot of their purple color when cooked. The broccoli has been coming in faster than we can eat it, so I've been blanching and freezing that also.

More Pimento de Padrons and tomatillos. Lots of roasted Padrons in the freezer now.

And another bunch of Piracicaba broccoli shoots, a couple of Christmas Bell peppers (C. baccatum), and the first Palace King cucumber.

Join in the harvest fun at Daphne's Dandelions!

Now, I really have to get out to the garden and do some harvesting. Y'all come on back next week and see what I found...


  1. Your heirloom tomatoes look spectular! Oh how I would love to be in Zone 9 right about now as the weather is changing drastically in New England. The tomatillos also look great.

  2. Ohhh. I'll have to try the Oven Carmelized tomatoes.

  3. Your vegetable look fantastic. You are certainly busy putting them up for the winter.

  4. I'll be right over to eat some of those oven candied sure to leave the light on for me!

  5. Wow! You must have to try hard to keep up with all that. We're roasting vegetables tonight, so I'll add a pan of oven roasted cherries too.

  6. I'm very envious of all those tomatoes! You must have not had blight this year.

  7. Your veggies look awesome, plus you arranged them so they are so they look like works of art!

  8. Wow!! What a great harvest...!
    Good luck with more.

  9. Thomas, Hi and thanks, I never fully appreciated my good fortune to be gardening in zone 9 until I started blogging. It's hard to believe that some gardeners are already getting frost!

    Sharkbytes, I hope you like them. There's another batch cooling right now and the aroma is driving me crazy.

    Mary Delle, thank you. Yes the last couple of weeks have been busy in the kitchen and today was no exception. I'm not complaining...

    Susan, the light is on and the tomatoes are tasty!

    Stefani, the biggest problem is that my freezer is becoming rather stuffed!

    Dan, no blight so far as I can tell, but a few of my plants are almost all dead except for the tomatoes that are all ripening at once. The fruits are tasting good in spite of the poor state of the plants.

    Sue, tomatoes are so photogenic! And they taste good.

    Urban Green, Oh I have been waiting all summer for this. It has been torture seeing other bloggers' tomato harvests when mine were sitting there still green...

    Thanks everyone for such delightful comments :)

  10. That's impressive! So, tomatoes are still going strong? I'd better check with my neighbor whether she has too many...

    Beautiful pictures, BTW. And now I'm hungry ;->

  11. Town Mouse, Thanks! My tomatoes are really just getting into full swing. Definitely check with your neighbor!

  12. Neat blog, and awesome harvest. Are you getting any late blight in CA? Judging by your tomatoes, I think perhaps not.

    The cherry tomato recipe sounds intriguing; I've been roasting my other veggies, but haven't tried this.

  13. Good harvest. I really like the way you assemble them for these lovely photographs.... ~bangchik

  14. Oh wow. The weeks before I was drooling over your peppers, but now I'm drooling over the tomatoes. Yum! I could so use some more tomatoes this year to make salsa.

  15. Sally, some of the tomato plants are suffering from something but I don't think it is late blight - the plants are nearly dead but the fruit is ok.

    Jan, Bangchik, thanks!

    Daphne, I'm sorry to make you drool! You really did have difficult weather this summer otherwise I'm sure you would be harvesting tomatoes still. I was drooling over your tomato harvests when mine were sitting on the plants still green, green, green.

  16. Those tomatoes are the big difference between zone 16 and zone 17 where I live. Sigh.


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