
Friday, May 17, 2013

Awesome Blossoms

Caper blossoms

Pink Caper Blossoms

The plant is covered with them.

The bees love them.

I love them.



What a show!

I'm not harvesting any caper buds this year. I'm just finishing the last jar of the 2011 caper harvest and have about 10 jars full of the 2012 harvest in the refrigerator. This year I'm hoping to get a crop of caper berries. The best part of trying for a caper berry harvest is that I get to enjoy the blossoms. When you harvest the caper buds you have to forgo the flower show. My Croatian plants are in full bloom also but I didn't take any photos this morning because I haven't pulled the ugly weeds that are poking up through the plants.

I must propagate more plants from some cuttings from this bush. This pink flower is unusual and the plant is incredibly productive. I grew this from seeds that I got from a Seed Savers Exchange member who lives in Tuscany. I have about a half dozen plants from those seeds but this is the only one with pink flowers. It's also the most floriferous of the bunch and always produces a nice harvest of buds. But that's a project for next year. In the meantime I'll be enjoying the flowers.


  1. Beautiful! We are harvesting our nasturtium seeds as a caper alternative, but I'd love to grow capers. I live in LA and would be interested in getting a cutting from you, when you decide it's time. I can't believe how prolific your plants are-- 10 jars still left from last year?!

  2. Wow...soooooooo beautiful! My capers lived through the first winter when I moved them the old house sunroom, last year I wasn't in the mood to move them indoor, they died!

  3. Beautiful! I must buy some seeds.

  4. Absolutely stunning! I've never seen them before.

  5. Wow they are fabulous. What do you use the berries for? I think I've only ever seen the buds sold. This whole post has reminded me that the caper growers I emailed about seedlings never got back to me. Time to chase them I think.

  6. So that's what caper flowers look lie is it?

  7. I saw fully-grown caper plants for the first time a few weeks ago in a botanic garden. I have two tiny plants myself in pots, but until I saw the bigger plants I had no idea how lovely they were, or how big the flowers were! Just gorgeous :)

  8. They're beautiful! I can't wait till my two plants, sown from seed you sent me, are as mature as these. They're doing well.


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