
Monday, November 10, 2014

Harvest Monday - November 10, 2014

There was an interesting assortment of vegetables from the garden last week. Summer veggies continued to trickle in. Chianti Rose and Jaune Flamme are proving their mettle, still producing after a difficult year for growing tomatoes. These two will be back next year.

Chianti Rose and Jaune Flamme tomates

A few more peppers ripened but these are some of the last ones left on the plants, there are very few green ones on the plants. This lot included Shephard's Ramshorn, Lady Bell, Giallo di Cuneo, Topepo Rosso, Piment doux long des Landes, and Padrons.

Another harvest of ripe peppers included NTR, Sonora, Stocky Red Roaster, and a couple that I think are Tarahumara Chile Colorado.

Cucumbers are trickling in and I harvested the first Golden Sweet snow peas.

I let some Spanish Black carrots go to seed over the past year and got some volunteers from seeds that fell. These aren't sweet carrots, but I think they will be interesting in a savory dish such as a soup or stew.

Yay, I finally got a Watermelon radish to grow without bolting. That's a 1 pound Tromba squash next to it. I should have photographed the pretty appetizer that I made with it, I used a mandolin to make thin slices, topped those with a little mound of Honey Sheepmilk Yogurt Spread (from Garden Variety Cheese), then sprinkled the top with some Merkén made from my home smoked peppers. I turned out to be quite a tasty combination of flavors.

The Di Ciccio broccoli continues to produce lovely shoots.

And the cauliflower has suddenly sized up. The first one was the biggest of the lot.

It was promptly roasted a la Ruhlman. This is absolutely delicious and so simple.

Two more were ready to harvest at the same time. One of these was made into Smashed Cauliflower, the recipe for which I still haven't written up, but it's basically cauliflower florets slowly cooked with garlic confit (I finally wrote up that recipe), butter, and a bit of stock until it's falling apart tender, then smashed with some creme fraiche. I'll take smashed cauliflower over mashed potatoes any day!

The only other things harvested but not photographed were some cherry tomatoes.

Here's the harvests for the past week:

Di Ciccio broccoli - 1 lb., 8.9 oz.
Amazing Taste cauliflower - 6 lb., 2.8 oz.
Green Fingers cucumbers - 15.3 oz.
Golden Sweet snow peas - 1.1 oz.
Giallo di Cuneo peppers - 10.2 oz.
Lady Bell peppers - 1 lb., 1.8 oz.
NTR peppers - 7.7 oz.
Piment doux long des Landes peppers - 4.2 oz.
Padron pappers - 4.8 oz.
Shephard's Ramshorn peppers - 1 lb., 2.6 oz.
Sonora peppers - 5.6 oz.
Stocky Red Roaster peppers - 3 oz.
Topepo Rosso peppers - 3.8 oz.
Watermelon radish - 15.4 oz. (inc. greens)
Chianti Rose tomatoes - 2 lb., 13.2 oz.
Isis Candy cherry tomatoes - 5.2 oz.
Jaune Flamme tomatoes - 15.5 oz.
Sweet Gold cherry tomatoes - 2 lb., 7 oz.
Tromba d'Albenga zucchini - 1 lb., .7 oz.

The total harvests for the past week were - 22 lb., .8 oz.
Which brings the total harvests for 2014 up to - 1131 lb., 11.9 oz.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne on her blog Daphne's Dandelions, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. All of those lovely colours...I suppose all of us in colder climates will have to live vicariously through your harvests for the next few months! The cauliflower looks delicious - I must try that roasted preparation. I've never seen yellow snow peas before - how are they in the taste department?

    1. They taste the same as the green ones, but they are smaller. The last time I grew them I thought the harvest lasted longer, it seems like the green ones come in over a very short period of time. I'll see if my memory proves correct.

  2. Lovely cauliflowers. I really like that roasted cauliflower recipe, maybe that gets done for Thanksgiving. I did finally acquire a smoker and asked my daughter about doing a smoked turkey (she's coming home, Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday and she has to approve the menu). That will free up room in the oven for things like the cauliflower.

    1. I've done my turkey on the BBQ for years, we think it's a lot tastier than oven roasted. I hope it turns out well for you too.

  3. Those cauliflower look so pretty. Someday I'll have to buy some and make mashed cauliflower since I've never had it before.

  4. When it comes time for me to order pepper seeds for next season, I must refer to your harvest posts - they always look so good although I suspect it is more from your green thumb than just the variety. I've been eating a ton of smashed / mashed cauliflower lately - tried it the first time just a few weeks ago and having it a couple of times a week.

    1. It's addictive, isn't it! It's really good with grated cheese stirred into it too.

  5. I love roasted cauliflower, and I'll have to try it roasted whole. I'll leave the growing of it to you however! I've never had any luck with it. The garlic confit sounds lovely too. I've been roasting it a lot, and the confit would be another good way to cook it up. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  6. Great harvest, wish I could grow cauliflower. Never knew about Golden Sweet snow peas, going to check it out. What is the interior color of the Spanish Black carrots?

  7. OK, I am jealous that you're still getting tomatoes! Great looking harvest this week.

  8. Oh gosh, what beautiful cauliflowers. I have not tried growing them, but if I knew I could grow them like that, I would!

  9. How wonderful! Beautiful collection.


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