
Monday, December 8, 2014

Harvest Monday - December 8, 2014

I haven't been able to claim this for a long time - the rain kept me out of the garden for much of the past week. Yippee, but that doesn't mean the drought is over. There's a study that was just published that reports that the drought that we've been experiencing for the past three years is the worst that California has experienced in 1200 years. I can believe it, I've lived here long enough to go through 2 severe droughts but I've never seen the native Coast Live Oaks suffer as much as they have lately. The leaves on the trees that cover most of the hillside behind my home have been steadily turning brown and I've never seen that happen before. There's dead and dying pine trees dotting the landscape as well. The Carmel river is dry a couple miles up the valley and down to a trickle in the valley below.

Anyway, I didn't harvest much last week, which is pretty normal for this time of year. I thinned the carrot patch again and got a few small nice specimens but mostly babies. The babies were stir fried with the cumulative harvests of Golden Sweet snow peas from the week before and some sprouting broccoli, seasoned with some garlic, oyster sauce ,and sherry. That was a tasty compliment to some Dungeness crab that we got through our community supported fishery.

While I was avoiding the rain a bunch of Golden Sweet snow peas started to get a bit over mature and some sugar snap peas finally got big enough to harvest.

The Di Ciccio broccoli produced another round of shoots and I found one good sized Tromba D'Albenga zucchini.

That was it for the week, here's the details:

Di Ciccio broccoli - 16.3 oz.
Amarillo Yellow carrots - 1.7 oz.
Deep Purple carrots - 1 oz.
Muscade carrots - 4.9 oz.
Mixed carrot thinnings - 7.8 oz.
Super Sugar Snap peas - 4 oz.
Golden Sweet snow peas - 10.1 oz.
Tromba D'Albenga zucchini - 1 lb., 2.8 oz.

The total harvests for the past week were - 4 lb., .6 oz.
Which brings the total harvests for 2014 up to 1176 lb., .7 oz.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne on her blog Daphne's Dandelions, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. That is so sad about the drought. We had very little rain over the summer a couple of years ago & that was bad enough...I can't even imagine how terrible it must be seeing all those dying trees. On a brighter note - those sugar snaps have me hankering for spring!

  2. It is sad about the drought. Historic weather of any kind is usually something not very agreeable, such as drought, floods, storms, etc. I can only imagine how hard it is to watch the effects of the current drought.

  3. I saw the 1200 year figure and photos of some of the dried up aquifers. It will be interesting to see what eventual impact this has on food supplies since so much of our produce comes from California.

  4. Now I'm just dreaming of harvests like that. Oh for some fresh squash.


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