
Monday, March 30, 2015

Harvest Monday - March 30, 2015

The garden gave up another big chunk of the overwintered vegetables last week. The remaining celery plants were putting their energy into producing big fat flower stalks so out they came. I used most of one head in a simple braise topped with cheese, the rest of the celery has for the most part ended up in salads.

Dorato D'Asti celery
 The celeriac  was pushing up petite little flower stalks.

So they got pulled as well. At least the last three specimens fattened up quite a bit before they decided to bloom. Dave has requested celeriac puree so that's on the menu for one night this coming week.

Monatch celeriac
I'm still finding volunteer Romanesco fennel to harvest. The vast majority of the fennel is going into salads.
Romanesco fennel volunteers
I've finished thinning the onions that I grew from seed and now I've moved on to harvesting the extra onions that I grew from seedlings that I purchased from Dixondale.

Red Candy Apple spring onions
Some of the spring onions are getting to be quite fat.

Superstar spring onion
The spring sown radishes have sized up in a hurry. We enjoyed some of these simply dipped in a bit of my homemade Merkén spice mix. The rest are going into salads.

Pink Punch and Helios radishes
The Golden cornsalad that I sowed between the new strawberry plants are getting to be large enough to harvest. The peas that I interplanted with the spring brassicas are producing a few nice shoots. The cornsalad and pea shoots were tossed together to accompany some of the beets that I harvested the week before.

Golden cornsalad and snow pea shoots
The patch of cutting greens are growing like crazy. They were ready for another harvest just 9 days after the initial harvest. I've been enjoying a salad of mixed greens for lunch and/or dinner most days lately.

Dutch Broadleaf Cress
Ruby Streaks mustard
Speedy arugula
The first baby heads of romaine lettuce were ready to be harvested. Salad days are here in earnest!

Sweetie Baby and Ruby Gem romaine lettuces
Here's the harvests for the past week:

Speedy arugula - 3.2 oz.
Dorato D'Asti celery - 9 lb., 12.4 oz. (I don't remember if that was before or after trimming)
Monarch celeriac - 5 lb., 1.8 oz. (after trimming)
Golden cornsalad - 1.6 oz.
Dutch Broadleaf cress - 2.7 oz.
Romanesco fennel - 3.7 oz.
Ruby Gem romaine lettuce - 3.5 oz.
Sweetie Baby lettuce - 7 oz.
Ruby Streaks mustard - 3.8 oz.
Mixed spring onions - 1 lb., 2.8 oz.
Snow Pea shoots - 1 oz.
Helios radishes - 7.6 oz. (trimmed)
Pink Punch radishes - 6.4 oz. (trimmed)

Total for the week - 18 lb., 9.5 oz.
2015 to date - 118 lb., 14 oz.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne on her blog Daphne's Dandelions, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. That is some really beautiful celery. I grow it, but it struggles here.

  2. Those greens are gorgeous. Can't wait until we start enjoying homegrown greens again - I'm crossing my fingers that will be in another month or so, but that may be overly optimistic.

  3. That is a very impressive line-up of salads for this time of year. I'm having another go with Celeriac this year. In the past I have not been very successful with it, but I'm determined to do better. Have you tried Celeriac Remoulade (with a tangy mustardy sauce)? It's fabulous served with smoked ham!

    1. I love Celeriac Remoulade but my husband isn't crazy about it so I only prepare it on rare occasions. Good luck with your crop this year!

  4. Nice salad greens, you golden cornsalad looks a lot like the malantou that I'm growing, I'm going to give the cornsalad a go later this fall.

  5. The radishes look absolutely perfect! Celery braised with cheese? Never heard of that before, but I want some right now.

  6. Lovely harvest! The radishes look so appetizing! You have colorful and various harvest!

  7. It sure looks like salad days with all those lovely greens! I like your interplanting tip with the corn salad. I'll have to try that in the greenhouse bed, perhaps around the cukes when they go in.

  8. Nice to have salad greens every day. I miss that, but at least my lettuce seeds are germinating and I can see the planter on the deck I used last year. So maybe a month or two. The Helios radishes look a lot like the Zlata I grew last year, and both come from Eastern Europe.


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