
Thursday, July 23, 2015

It's a Jungle

Nine days of vacation followed by 4 days of nursing a cold which has left me with little energy to spare for the garden means the place has become a jungle. It may not be obvious in the two photos below taken 10 days apart, but before I left on vacation I had finished the task of tutoring and trimming all the tomatoes up their trellis (at the far end on the right). They looked so neat and tidy with no vines flopping around. You can see how the Tromba D'Albenga squash plants (right foreground) have reached the top of their trellis and the corn went through a growth spurt as well.

July 10
July 20

After nearly two weeks on their own the tomatoes have decided to try to take over the 4 foot wide path. Two weeks ago the boards of the bed were fully exposed and you could see the cilantro growing along the edge of the bed. Where's the cilantro now?

July 23
July 23

The cucumbers are somewhat under control at the moment because I worked on them on Monday morning before I fully succumbed to the cold.

I managed a bit of work on the Honey Nut butternut vines on Monday as well. It seems like the vines are growing about 6 inches a day.

But the Candystick Dessert Delicata vines have spread out all over the place. I had intended to train them up the trellis but I'm not sure how I'll manage that now.

July 23

I can't believe the Delicata plants looked like this just 3 1/2 weeks ago. When I left for vacation the vines weren't quite long enough to tie to the trellis.

June 29
Another task that I didn't get around to before heading out for Montana was digging the onions and setting them on a rack to cure. Still not accomplished...

The jungle gets another day or so to grow as it will, I'm still not up to the task today. Back to the couch for me. I'm getting my money's worth out of that Netflix subscription...


  1. I'm laughing, not about your having a cold, but about the jungle. We work so hard to make our vegetables grow in the early spring, then leave them for a bit in early summer and the weather is just right, warm and humid, and, poof, overnight the garden becomes a jungle. For now enjoy your time on the couch without feeling guilty, because when you feel well enough, there will be lots of harvesting and tying up to keep you happy. That's what you wanted, why you planted, wasn't it? You were successful. (Grin.)

  2. I hope you feel better soon. Especially with so much to do in the garden.

  3. Your garden is growing like crazy! It's really amazing how quickly the garden develops if the weather is right. It's often hard to tell as we are out there every day - although I think I would have noticed growth of 6" per day on the squash! It seems like many of us are succumbing to colds this summer - I hope you are up and around very soon.

  4. Sorry to hear you're unwell. Hope you'll soon be up to a bit of "jungle-bashing"! I have enforced inactivity for a different reason today - it's pouring with rain, and has been all day long.

  5. Global warming is good for something. The extra CO2 and extra heat seem to be making gardens grow better.

  6. Hope you feel better soon. Amazing growth in such a short time. Tomatoes, onions ... wow, they look so big!

  7. Sorry to hear about your cold. I would say your garden looks lush and exuberant, not out of control. Now the weeds in my garden, those are out of control.

  8. Thanks for the garden tour, hope you're feeling better.


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