
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Garden Update - November 16, 2016

There's not a lot new to report this week. The weather has continued to be sunny and warmer than usual for the most part. Last night we had a bit of moisture, not really rain, but things got wet and today was more seasonably cold. But no frost yet as you can see by the lush growth of the nasturtiums.

I scratched some Kodiak mustard seeds into the area where the Blue Speckled tepary beans had been growing and sifted some compost over. This area is where I'll be growing onions and shallots next year. I will be setting out seedlings in January so I want to have something growing there but I don't need to get a veggie harvest. I probably won't have time to dig the mustard into the soil and have it rot in time by the time I need to plant the onions, but I figure it's better to have something growing than to have bare soil. The mustard can be put into the compost or dug into another area in the garden.

The sweet potatoes in the pots aren't dying and aren't really growing either. I'm going to wait until we have a frost to dump the pots and see what's there.

I put up a trellis where the Hopi Chinmark corn was and I'm going to try growing some Frieda Worlds Peas which are supposed to be frost resistant and should grow through the winter and produce a spring crop. Last year I grew Golden Sweet snow peas through the winter with the help of some frost cloth and got an early spring harvest so perhaps I'll have a good chance with Frieda Worlds.

I cleared out the bean plants from the trellis. This spot is too shaded by the corn to grow anything right now, but once the corn is cleared out I can use this space and the spot where the corn was to grow some winter brassicas.

Yikes. The corn is still green, but not entirely...

I've been sowing seeds! The flat with the paper pots contains 2 varieties of spinach (Gangbusters and Merlo Nero) and 2 varieties of beets (Golden and Baby Ball). The spinach will go into the spot next to the trellis where I'm going to try the Frieda Worlds snow peas. The other pots contain 8 varieties of onions, Batavia broccoli, and Kolibri & Kongo kohlrabi.

Most of the onions are germinating already. I've also got another 4 pots of onions, and 4 of lettuces, plus one chicory, and 1 of Mizunarubasoi.

Almost all of the onions that I'm trying are new this year. I'll be writing a post about them one of these days.

The seeds of radishes, arugulas, cresses, plantain, and mizuna that I sowed back on the 9th are all germinating, but I didn't take any photos. 

Other than that I'm still working on clearing out the old stuff from summer, other than tomatoes. I did harvest a nice basketful of Aji Amarillo peppers this week but you'll have to wait until Monday to see them. That's the latest in the garden. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Inspired by your example, I am going to try growing some onions - but not till next year. I'm going to start with some red types from Italy. The brown ones are too cheap and easily available to make growing them seem attractive.

  2. You're reminding me to sow some vegetable seeds remain inour seed box. It may the last sow this year.

  3. Ah seed starting - I'm can't believe that I'll be doing that in only a couple of months for the onions. It seems that we have barely finished this season and the next one is upon us. Par for the course in your climate, but around here it still comes as a surprise :)

    I can't wait to see what's growing in your sweet potato pots - hopefully it's a good surprise!


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