
Monday, February 13, 2017

Harvest Monday - February 13, 2017

Just a quick post this Monday since Dave and I did a big overnight hike this weekend to see Pacheco Falls in Henry Coe State Park and I was too tired last night to write up my usual detailed post.

Upper portion of Pacheco Falls
There are 6 drops in the falls for a total of about 65+ feet. It was a great time to see the falls because we've had SO MUCH rain. Yay! My photo does it no justice especially since you can't hear the ROAR.

On with the harvests.

Purple Sun Carrots
There's just a few Purple Sun carrots left in the garden, I've been harvesting just a couple at a time. They've been quite sweet. I used one of them in the veggie wrap that Dave and I enjoyed for lunch on our first day out on our hike to the falls.

Nelson Carrots
The Nelson carrots have been slow to size up so other than thinnings I haven't harvested very many yet. Those are the first sizable ones that I've pulled.

When I planted the Mizunarubasoi I set out 6 individual plants since the plants can get to be quite large and can be harvested on a cut-and-come-again basis, but I set out the extra seedlings in a couple of clumps to be harvested in their entirety, that's the first clump to be cut. Half the bunch went into a salad and the other half went into our trail veggie wraps.

Pink Plume Celery
The celery is still putting out lots of stalks. That's one main stalk from the center of one plant and a bunch of stalks from one side shoot that I cut off.

Tronchuda Beira Cabbage
Spring must be coming! The Tronchuda Beira cabbage has gotten the signal and is starting to bolt. I cut all the large leaves from the smaller of my two plants. This was actually my second harvest of the week, the first went into a pot of soup and the leaves pictured above were cut into thin ribbons and dehydrated for future soups.

Dried Tronchuda Beira
That was it for the harvests last week. I'm linking with Dave at Our Happy Acres for Harvest Monday. Stop by there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. Your cabbage is bolting and daffodils are blooming here - it must be spring indeed despite what the calendar says! Have you dried the Tronchuda Beira before? I've never thought about dehydrating greens.

  2. You do have the prettiest carrots.
    The waterfall is lovely!!

  3. It's always the sound of waterfalls that I find the most impressive. Sheer power. We didn't get to harvest anything last week.

  4. I have three carrots left from last fall's harvest, ha! Yours look so fresh, mine are barely hanging in.

  5. Yum - Beira Tronchuda! I harvested exactly zero of that last year as the plants were shaded by Chinese greens and kohlrabi right from the start - I had never thought to dehydrate them. Must give that a try this year when I actually DO get a harvest :)


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