
Monday, May 15, 2017

Harvest Monday - May 15, 2017

Radishes are adding a lovely bit of color to the harvests. I love growing more than just the red ones. The latest harvest included Red Planet and Pink Punch from a April 5 sowing and one more Mini Purple Daikon from a February 15 sowing.

I took some photos of the most recently cut open Mini Purple Daikons, they are quite pretty. I'm looking forward to growing these again in the fall.

Mini Purple Daikon

Mini Purple Daikon

Peppermint Stick Chard
That's one of the final harvests of chard. I cleared out the Golden Chard and Syrian Medieval chard as well but those didn't get photographed.

Extra Precoce Violetto Favas and Batavia Broccoli
The fava bean harvests are the big thing going on right now. I harvested about 12 pounds of Extra Precoce Violetto, 5 pounds of Robin Hood, and the first pound of Aquadulce beans last week. That has kept my Dave busy peeling! There were a couple of pickings of Batavia broccoli shoots as well but those are going to slow down, the plants don't have very many new shoots developing.

Joker Crisphead Lettuce
I also harvested a few more clumps of baby lettuces. Joker made it in front of the camera but I was in too much of a rush to photograph the latest bunches of Red Butter Romaine.

Scleroporus Occidentalis
I'll end with a shot of one of my garden buddies. There's at least a half dozen Western Fence lizards that call my veggie garden home and another dozen or so that hang out elsewhere around the property. I almost always see a few of them skittering around or posing. They often show off to one another by doing pushups and puffing themselves up. They are so much fun to watch and have around. They aren't very shy either, they'll let me get quite close before they run off so I have lots of photos.

Head on over to Dave's blog Our Happy Acres where you will find links to more Harvest Monday posts.


  1. What a beautiful Harvest! I recently found out that if I put radish's in stir fry they turn more sweet and take out that burning bite and I actually like them prepared that way. Now I'm regretting not growing any this year.

    1. Cooking does mellow them out and the greens of some of some types of radishes are tasty when cooked also.

  2. When I lived in California I loved the fence lizards and their push-up behavior. Alas, no lizards of any kind in New Hampshire. I'd bet they eat a fair share of insect pests.

    1. The eat the bad and the good. I watched one lizard eat a bee once, it grabbed it by the head and swiped the bee's rear end along the ground to remove the stinger and then it munched it down.

  3. I need to go give my purple daikon radishes a pep talk! It's always a gamble planting them here in spring. Your are lovely, and that helps me wait for mine to size up. I can see slicing them thinly and eating them with just a bit of salt.

    I love the photo of your garden buddy. I have blue tailed skinks that like to hang out in the greenhouse and kitchen garden area. It would be great to see them posing, but they are pretty shy, so I usually just see a blue tail scampering off!

    1. Daikons are a gamble in the spring here too, a lot of them bolted this year and I think the rest only bulbed up because we had all that rain and then a cool spring.

      I see the occasional Skilton's Skink here which has that amazing blue tail also, but they're extremely shy, so the same thing, just an occasional glimpse.

  4. Lizards are such fun interesting creatures. Your radishes and fava beans look fantastic. I no longer grow radishes in the spring here, they get so spicy they're inedible.

  5. Syrian Medieval Chard? I'm in awe!

  6. The daikon is really attractive. We only sowed our Robin Hood beans last week. I'm guessing that the lizards help keep the bugs in check, we have plenty of amphibians on the plot but unfortunately no reptile s.

  7. What a fabulously colourful harvest this week!! The peppermint stick chard is so pretty, I shall have to look out for some seeds here

  8. Wow - those purple daikon radishes are beautiful, especially that cross section. And YUM to the favas! Mine are just starting to poke out of the ground now so it will be a while until we see any in the kitchen. LOVE your lizard friend - wish we had some around here.


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