
Monday, July 17, 2017

Harvest Monday - July 17, 2017

Zucchini dominated the harvests last week with a total of more than 5 pounds. Well, technically it wasn't all zucchini since Tromba D'Albenga isn't really a zucchini but a zucchetta, but I lump them together since I use them interchangeably. That's most of it below but I skipped photographing the 4 Romanesco zucchinis from yesterday.

Romanesco Zucchini

Romanesco Zucchini
Tromba D'Albenga Squash

Tromba D'Albenga Squash
A few other veggies found their way into the harvest basket on a few occasions.

Romanesco Zucchini, Aspabroc, Green Fingers Cucumbers
Green Fingers popped a few cukes and but now it's taking a break. The other 2 varieties of cucumbers haven't produced anything yet.

Green Fingers Cucumber

The Aspabroc (awful name, Broccolini is much better sounding) keeps putting out a handful of shoots now and then.

Orion Fennel
I remembered to photograph the second fennel bulb but skipped the third, it looked pretty much the same.

The kitchen project is keeping me from doing very much real cooking, but I did get the Big Green Egg fired up to grill a bunch of zucchini and some broccoli. That wasn't so remarkable but the dressing that I put together to accompany the grilled veggies was very interesting, Caper-Raisin Vinaigrette. It's a very bold combination of Capers and raisins, obviously, but there's also a generous amount of anchovies and parsley, plus garlic, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil. Sweet, salty, savory, rich and delicious. The recipe is not mine so I won't be posting it, you'll have to go find yourself a copy of Six Seasons: A New Way With Vegetables by Joshua McFadden. Find the book, it's one of the best vegetable cookbooks I've come across in a long time.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. Your squash is looking good as always. The cucumber is so shiny it looks already pickled! The grilled veggies sound great, but when you make the vinaigrette for me please leave out the anchovy.

    1. The key is using really good anchovies, the vinaigrette didn't taste fishy at all.

  2. I wish the Romanesco did as well for me as it does for you! We are enjoying the basil oil here, and it is a nice addition to crostini. I'm looking forward to making more when I have lots of basil. As for a kitchen project, we need to replace our counters and flooring and I am dreading it! There's never a good time, at least not for us.

    1. You are right, there never is a good time, but I'm really happy that this didn't happen at the height of tomato and pepper season.

  3. Oh, that cucumber looks great! I am itching for those first cucumbers - still a while to wait as my plants aren't even flowering yet!

    1. Those first cucumbers are so good. I'm appreciating the fact that the three varieties that I'm growing aren't all producing at once though, you can have too much of a good thing.

  4. The squash is a fascinating shape. Does the shape make it tricky to prepare?

    1. Those first 2 Tromba squash are wonky, they usually are gently curved or even straight which makes them easier to deal with. But even with the weird shapes they're not so tricky if they are cut into shorter lengths first.

  5. Such a great variety you have, and what a great variety you can grow! I've tried fennel with zero success, so disappointing as it is a favourite of mine! And from the looks of it, I agree that broccolini seems more appropriate ...

  6. You have some shapely zucchini there :) Your fennel is good looking too, mine have sadly mostly bolted due to the variation in the weather we are experiencing in the UK

  7. Book just now arrived. Bought it on your report. And because it had pictures. Can't cook without pictures or having tasted the dish before. Also like the seasonal divisions. Very helpful about what to buy when. But surprise, surprise, now seeing the pictures and reading the recipes, I want to cook many of them. Bummer. Way too hot to cook in the afternoons these days. Must do all cooking before 10 o'clock. We'll see what tomorrow brings and thank you much for the recommendation!


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