
Monday, July 3, 2017

Harvest Monday - July 3, 2017

There's not a lot of variety coming out of the garden at the moment. I didn't transition the plantings from spring to summer very quickly so there's a fairly significant gap for this time of year.

Romanesco Zucchini
I got the zucchini planted on schedule so there's plenty of that. We have already enjoyed the first Scarpaccia of the season and I made a favorite zucchini gratin that is boldly seasoned with anchovies,  capers, onions, olives, and parsley.

Batavia Broccoli
And the overwintered broccoli is still producing along with the spring sown broccoli so there's no lack of that either.

Last year at this time I was harvesting lettuce, peas, snap beans, and celery also. No peas this year, the snap beans aren't even big enough to start flowering, the celery is too small to start harvesting, and I didn't get around to sowing more lettuce.

I did dump another pot of Yellow Finn potatoes which I didn't bother to photograph, although I did take a photo of a pizza we had last night topped with some of them. I also used some fresh sage from the garden, dried I'itoi onions, and white truffle oil.

And I've been harvesting the runty onions which I will not dignify with photographs. There's tons of basil and parsley to harvest but I don't tally those and rarely photograph them.

So that's the latest harvest report. Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. It's in between times spring harvest almost over; summer harvest just beginning.You're doing great. I'm envious of your zucchinis. The pizza sounds heavenly. Drool. More excessive heat to come or are you close enough to the shore to avoid it?

    1. The forecast here for the next week is for highs in the mid to high 70ºF's so it looks like we are escaping the scorcher. The pizza was decadent - carbs on carbs - LOL. And that was only one of 3 pizzas...

  2. You say not a lot of variety, but what you have is plenty good enough. Maybe I've already asked you this, but you seem to harvest the zucchini with the flowers still attached--is there a reason other than you like 'em young?

    1. Oh I'm not actually complaining, there are plenty of good things to eat around here. Those Romanesco zucchinis are big when babies, the biggest one there is about 10 inches long - not including the blossom. Another day on the vine and it would have been a fat 12 incher at least, so I really must pick them young. I usually discard those blossoms after they have shriveled up like that.

  3. We are just hitting our plentiful harvest time after the hungry gap but no peas or means yet.

  4. Potatoes and truffle oil ... best combo ever.

  5. I don't think I've ever tried potatoes on a pizza, but it looks yummy. I'm having pizza envy here for sure!

  6. Do you have a pizza oven or do you use a grill? Either way the pizza looks amazing. I completely understand about the zucchini, it only takes a couple of days before they swell up to gargantuan size.

    1. I do have a small wood burning oven, photo on Instagram @cvveggie. More pizza pics too.

  7. June is always a rough month here in the desert; the lettuce and peas quit in May and the tomatoes have just barely started, no cukes yet, but plenty of zucchini; lovely harvests

  8. Yes, our summer harvests of vegetables are just beginning here too... soon we shall be wondering what to do with them of course, but right now we could both do with a few more bits couldn't we?

  9. Well, you are harvesting a LOT more than I am. My squash looks like it's going nowhere this year, which is a huge disappointment. And I need to get going on more lettuce sowings as well or I will be lettuce-less come August.


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