
Monday, September 18, 2017

Harvest Monday - September 18, 2017

It's interesting how quickly harvests change. Just a few weeks ago my harvest posts were dominated by green things. The latest harvests are now dominated by red, orange, and yellow things.

I'm most excited about the ripening peppers.

Shepherd's Ramshorn, Violet Sparkle
Under achieving Turkish

Odessa Market and Topepo Giallo
There aren't a lot of ripe peppers yet, but there should be more to come. I haven't don't anything special with them yet, just cut up in salads and such.

There are lots of tomatoes though, especially cherry tomatoes.

The Bees
Sunrise Bumble, Green, and Purple Bumble
The Bumble Bee types still aren't very prolific but they are tasty and I've got plenty of Piccolo Dattero and Sweet Gold cherry tomatoes so I'm not feeling deprived.

Piccolo Dattero and Sweet Gold
I used a bunch of cherry tomatoes in a Farro Salad inspired by a recipe on Food 52. I didn't follow the recipe exactly but kept pretty close to it.

Jaune Flamme
Jaune Flamme has been one of my favorites for a few years now. It's early, prolific, and very flavorful with a good balance of sweetness and acidity. I made a gazpacho this week with some of them and it came out exceptionally well.

Pantano, Mavritanskite, Chianti Rose, Marzano Fire
Some larger sized tomatoes are coming in here and there. Marzano Fire is producing a number of ripe tomatoes as well.

Baby Tuscan Kale
And there's still some green things too. I started cutting the Baby Tuscan Kale to use in salads. There's still a steady stream of broccoli and broccolini sprouts and a few cucumbers here and there. But the zucchini harvests have nearly come to a halt. The Romanesco zucchini plant has almost been done in by powdery mildew so it is about finished for the year. And then I gave the Tromba D'Albenga vines a major trim so they have been slowed down but it looks like they are putting out new growth and new blossoms so I think I should be getting some squash from them in a week or so.

Batavia Broccoli and Gagon Cucumbers
Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. Ripe peppers are worth getting excited about here for sure! Ours have been slow to ripen this year. I'm guessing "under achieving Turkish" was not the listed name for that pepper either. I wish I could get Jaune Flamme to grow for me here but it is a shy producer when I get any at all. I may try Perfect Flame next year which is a hybrid of Flamme and Peron. OF course that might make it only half as good!

    1. Or perhaps Perfect Flame will be twice as good! I wonder if anyone would choose to grow a pepper named Under Achieving? That was just the first tiny one, the next ones will be more impressive.

    2. You're right - I should think positive about Perfect Flame. Maybe it will be an over-achiever too! The first year I grew Flamme it was very productive, but not in subsequent years.

  2. Beautiful harvests of tomatoes and peppers. I love your little Tomato Kayak too!

  3. Last year I had Violet Sparkle in the garden, I liked this variety very much. This year I've sown Purple Beauty and I must say that VSparkle was more prolific and the taste was better.

    1. I've not grown Purple Beauty and probably won't. What I don't like about purple bell peppers is that when they turn purple they are not ripe yet and I don't like unripe bell peppers. Purple bells are probably perfectly fine if they are allowed to full ripen but then you lose the novelty of the purple color.

  4. Isn't it amazing about each season has its own colour palette?

    1. It is. I once did a collage of all my harvest photos for a year and it was quite interesting to see how the color palette changed through the year.

  5. I love Sue's comment that each season has its own "color Palette". That is so true! Love reading about all of the interesting tomato and pepper varieties you are growing. Your posts always inspire me.

    1. Thank you Lexa, I'm thrilled that you say I'm an inspiration.

  6. Amazing pictures of your beautiful harvests!!! Such a great variety!!! Enjoy it.

  7. Lovely, colourful harvests - you are just getting going on your peppers while mine are at the tail end. It will be sad to see the harvests end but I'll be glad to put this season to bed and start fresh next year with, hopefully, fewer issues.


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