
Monday, April 16, 2018

Harvest Monday - April 16, 2018

There isn't much to report for this Harvest Monday. That was the only photo that I took. It's a handful of Pink Lettucy mustard shoots and a head Devil's Tongue lettuce that volunteered. Other than that I harvested a tatty looking head of Three Heart butterhead lettuce and a few handfuls of Frieda Worlds snow peas and another small bunch of mustard shoots. And there isn't really anything interesting to report on happenings in the kitchen either.

So let's hope that there's more interesting harvests to be found over at Our Happy Acres where Dave is hosting Harvest Monday.


  1. I'm about ready to throw in the garden trowel over here. We're getting SNOW today and a hard freeze warning for tonight. I've been schlepping everything tender inside that's in the greenhouse. I was wearing shorts on Saturday, and an insulated jacket is needed today.

    1. Yikes! Where did Spring go? It's not quite so extreme here, but the cold and rain has returned yet again today and snow levels are down to about 4000 feet. I was in shorts on Saturday too but last night we were sitting in front of a toasty fire as we will be again tonight.

  2. We have had a strange Spring here in the UK. Three snowfalls on the south coast is not normal for us. However, you have managed to harvest something, volunteer or not. Here's to sunnier weather!

  3. That's plenty interesting - and delicious - to someone that is looking at a snow-covered yard!

  4. Your volunteer Devil's Tongue is doing really well. I've been eating the pea shoots since they're much too big to be planted out now, they're so good in salads.

  5. Any Harvests are better than no fresh food on the plate, and it is always interesting to see what others have, so thanks for sharing


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