
Monday, May 7, 2018

Harvest Monday - May 7, 2018

Snow peas have featured prominently in the harvests this spring and they continue on. Well, actually the Frieda Worlds won't be continuing on because that's the final harvest that I gleaned as I took the powdery mildew infected vines down last week. But the Golden Sweet snow peas are getting going with a handful of peas every few days.

Frieda Worlds and Golden Sweet Snow Peas
 And the Royal snow peas just got started.

Royal Snow Peas
And there's the first harvest of favas! I cut just a few that we enjoyed grilled whole topped with some Parmesan and some dried fermented Aji Amarillo pepper flakes. Everything but the string running the length of the bean is edible when the pods are young and fresh.

Extra Precoce Violetto Favas
Golden Sweet Snow Peas

One of the reserve Pixie cabbage plants that I set out after the first planting got trimmed by the voles actually made a decent head. That weighed in at 1.75 pounds after trimming. I can't complain about that.
Pixie Cabbage

Not the best shot with the strong contrast, but that's a couple more baby Queen of Crunch lettuces that we enjoyed with more of that blue cheese dressing that I whipped up accompanied with some roasted golden beets that I bought at the farmer's market.

Queen of Crunch Lettuce
I've been clearing out the bolting Pink Plume celery. The central stalk is actually good eating if it's chopped up and that's how I've been enjoying it in crunchy chopped salads.

Pink Plume Celery
That's the latest from my garden, if you want to see more harvests head on over to Our Happy Acres where Dave is hosting Harvest Monday,


  1. That is a nice head of cabbage! The snow peas are lovely too. I miss them this spring since I didn't get any planted but there's always a fall planting to consider.

  2. Our first lot of peas are just pushing through - we’ll sow more soon. We can’t get enough peas.

  3. Snow peas and fava beans are such a lovely sign of spring. And your cabbage and lettuce look so good, but I can't believe how long your celery has lasted. It looks like you've been getting a lot planted in your garden.

  4. I think snow peas are what we call mangetout here in the UK. I've never seen purple ones before, they look amazing!


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