
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Rain. At Last.

I know I'm not the only one who is thankful for the long awaited and highly anticipated first significant rain of the season. And it's not just people! This tarantula was hanging out on the garden fence. It seemed to be perfectly fine other than being a bit wet. The sun came out and it basked for a while and then worked its way down to the ground where it looked like it was grooming itself. And now it's off doing whatever it is that tarantulas do.

This was the first significant rainfall here since some time last spring, it's been so long I can't remember when. We had a few sprinkles locally in early October but that was just enough to wash the dust off of things and then it got hot and dry and dusty again. More rain is on the way next week. Perhaps our rainy season has finally started for real. Dear Weather Gods, please let it be a "normal" rainy season. Thank you.


  1. How much rain did you get? How long will its effects last? I got 0.33 inch which wetted the top of the soil, now drying out. But at least it's a start and the shaded areas are still moist. Giving thanks to whoever, whatever controls the weather which is certainly not the forecasters.

    1. I'm not really sure how much, maybe an inch? It seems to be enough to make things perk up a bit and unfortunately enough that one big tree in the park where I hiked today fell over, actually snapped off a few feet above the soil. And with another system due later this week I think that there will be enough moisture that it starts to green up again.

  2. I think the tarantula was having it’s equivalent to our shower.

  3. Hurray! Saw my first tarantula out in the "wild" in Austin this past summer. Fascinating but also a reason why I don't think I could live in a warmer climate ;)

    1. I can understand your aversion to Tarantulas if you are leery of spiders, but they are actually really mellow, not aggressive toward people, and certainly not dangerous. And they don't like to go indoors. I love to find them wandering through my garden.

  4. I'm glad for all who got the much needed rain! We have gotten almost 60 inches this year, around 50% more than usual. I shudder to think what it will be like if the extremes get any worse than they are now.

    1. That's a crazy amount of rain. If we got anywhere near that amount there would be so many landslides and washouts, it would be a total mess. I'm with you, the current extremes are already frightening enough.


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