
Monday, February 25, 2019

Harvest Monday - February 25, 2019

Harvests were relatively light last week, so long as you don't count a nearly 2.5 pound celery root as "light". I used all of that huge celery root to make a simple mash starting with some browned butter in which I softened a little bit of onion and a couple cloves of garlic. Then I added the celery root which I had peeled and cut into about 1-inch dice. To that I added enough chicken stock to half submerge the celery root and then let it simmer covered until the celery root was soft enough to smash up with a potato masher. Then I let that cook down uncovered to a nice thick consistency. All that it needed after that was a few dollops of creme fraiche, salt, and pepper. It was a delicious accompaniment to some roasted halibut.

Prinz Celeriac and Orion Fennel

There's not a lot left in the garden now and but what is there I can harvest as I want it. The fennel keeps on giving and I keep on harvesting it. I sliced up one bulb and braised it with some slivered artichokes. The rest of the fennel I usually slice thinly to add to salads.

Orion Fennel, Bora King and Mini Purple Daikon Radishes
The daikon radishes are still holding well in the garden also. Bora King is living up to its name, some of the roots have become nice and fat but are still solid and very mild. Mini Purple is also living up to its name, pretty mini for a daikon and definitely purple, but also still solid and mild. I have to remember to sow more of these in the fall for next winter, I've really been enjoying them in salads.

That's the latest from my garden, not a lot but I'll take what I can get. Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. That is one giant celeriac root! I am missing root veggies here, but I'm thankful to have greens. It won't be that long before spring, and I for one am ready.

  2. We are doing the same just harvesting according to need. Some things just keep better left in the ground.

  3. I've never grown celeriac root but have received it in a Specialty Produce Farmers Market Box when I had no harvests. Your prep sounds wonderful and even the skeptic would find it delightful. Don't we love the rains for flushing and revitalizing our soils? Everything looks so healthy this year and many fewer pests and diseases.

  4. Beam me down that celeriac, please, and any leftover parsnips, too. Thanks very much even for the pictures.

  5. Your giant celeriac made me smile. It's amazing how well your radishes and fennel are holding up with the rain.

    Just about everything in our garden got zapped by the last freeze, but I haven't peaked under the garden fleece yet.


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