
Monday, April 1, 2019

Harvest Monday - April 1, 2019

It may be spring but I'm still relying mostly on veggies that I started last year or even further back.

The lone runty Italian Silver Rib chard plant gave up a surprisingly nice harvest of small sturdy leaves on short stems.

Italian Silver Rib Chard
I cut down the volunteer Syrian Medieval chard plant because it was bolting and when I combined that with the Italian Silver Rib harvest there was enough to make a meal. I braised the chard with some sweet pepper paste and tomato paste, pine nuts, currants, onion, and stock. Some sliced sausage added some substance and made for a satisfying dinner.

Syrian Medieval Chard

I pulled a few more parsnips to see how they are doing now that their tops are growing again. There are no signs of bolting yet but I think I need to keep a close eye on them.

Gladiator Parsnips

The Short Stuff carrots that I sowed back in October are  growing again too. The roots are getting larger but haven't gotten anywhere near as large as I know they can be. I hope they don't start to bolt too soon.

Short Stuff Carrots

Most of the fennel that I've harvested this winter has come from the 2 year old plant. Those 3 bulbs weighed in at 2.4 pounds as shown. And there's still more in the garden!

Orion Fennel

The Brussels sprouts were late to size up but were impressive in the end. That's about 2 pounds of sprouts. I like to shred the big ones and do a quick sauté which was the fate of half that harvest.

Gustus Brussels Sprouts

Other than that I also harvested a few ounces of shoots from the Oregon Sugar Pod II snow pea plants and a bunch of Rishad cress that was just starting to bolt.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. 2 pounds - those must be some big sprouts! I love to shred and saute them too, with a bit of garlic for seasoning. The fennel bulbs are big too. If only I could grow them like that.

  2. They may mostly be crops you sowed last year but there is still a good variety of veggies to eat. Love the look of those fennel!

  3. You choose such interesting varieties to plant. Do you have problems with aphids at this time of year. My brassicas are quite susceptible.

    1. Aphids are always a problem here and the brassicas are prime targets.

  4. We're the same harvesting the tail end of last year's plantings.

  5. Wow - if that's 2 lbs of sprouts, they must be huge! I haven't grown Brussels sprouts yet, but I'm thinking that it will end up on the grow list sooner rather than later now that I've rejuggled things in the beds.

  6. We seem to be harvesting similar veg, in ways of greens but its your sprouts that amaze me. I like fennel and hope I remember to grow some this year and that they are as good looking as yours.


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