
Monday, May 6, 2019

Harvest Monday - May 6, 2019

There's some new things coming out of the garden now. The Oregon Sugar Pod II snow pea plants grew so fast once they finally started going that I only managed to get one harvest of pea shoots and now the plants are starting to produce pea pods. That's the larger of 2 harvests for the week.

Oregon Sugar Pod II Snow Peas

I got almost a half pound of baby kale which I used to make a Kale Caesar salad. This particular variety was bred for the baby leaf market so I've got about 2 dozen plants growing. The leaves can be harvested on a cut-and-come-again basis.

Tuscan Baby Leaf Kale

The lettuce is finally large enough that I can start to thin out the extra plants that I squeezed in to harvest as baby heads.
Queen of Crunch and Red Butter Romaine Lettuce

The last head of winter sown Three Heart Butterhead lettuce was ready to harvest also. My lone bunch of chives is blooming and I find the blossoms add a nice oniony punch to our salads.

Red Butter Romaine and Three Heart Butterhead Lettuce

The overwintered chard is showing signs of wanting to bolt so I've started to clear it out. I used this bunch in a braise with some of the last of the celery and some garbanzo beans (chickpeas), and there may have been some fennel in there too. Unfortunately I didn't write up any recipe notes but I do remember that I used some of my fermented sweet pepper paste.

Peppermint Stick Chard

It was time to clear out the end of the bed where I want to grow some sweet peppers this year and that meant that the 2-year old Orion fennel plant had to be dug out. The final harvest came to 6 pounds after trimming off the ferny tops. It's hard to believe that all of that came from one plant.

Orion Fennel
Orion Fennel

That's the latest harvests from the garden. I've been working on a garden tour post but just not been able to get around to finishing it. Things are changing fast in the garden so I'll have to finish that post and start the the next tour in quick succession.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. Everything looks so beautiful; I know that is a common remark, but it is true! Your snow peas are perfect. Those I buy at the market ar e so stringy, I give up, and throw them out. We has a little rain overnight much to my surprise; it came in under the radar, i.e., did not show up on the radar scans.

    1. We got rain too! It was such a nice surprise. It was actually in the forecast at a 20% chance and I thought it unlikely but I was proved wrong.

  2. No hungry gap for you, haven’t been sown our sugar snaps yet.

  3. The Tuscan Baby Leaf kale sounds interesting, and I made a note to try it here next year. My chives are blooming too and I need to use them while they are around. I sometimes make chive vinegar with ours. I'm also going to try your suggestion and use Bob's cracked freekeh in tabouli salad tomorrow night.

  4. Such lovely harvests - I so look forward to the first peas of the season! That fennel was just crazy productive! Now you have to plan another round of it to last you for the next 2 years ;)


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