
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January Vegetables

I thought it would be nice for my own future reference (I'm sooo forgetful these days) to know what the garden is producing at this time of year. So, here it is:

Chioggia Beets and Nantes Carrots

Golden Chard

Cavolo Nero

EvenStar American Rapa, protected from birds.

Olive Leaf Wild Arugula in the pot also under protective bird netting.
Portuguese Cabbage behind.

A Closeup of the Portuguese Cabbage

Giant Nobel Spinach

Cutting Lettuces

Vit Cornsalad, I'm picking leaves instead of rosettes.

Aji Pineapple, still hanging in there!

Not pictured but producing are Piracicaba Broccoli and Spigariello Broccoli. Tonight's soup features Spigariello Broccoli, but no recipe will appear unless it's good!


  1. Peppers in January... jealous jealous! OK, jealous of all of it, plus your sunshine... windstorm at the moment here, snow 2 days ago. So tired of winter already and we have months to go!

  2. What a wonderful choice of vegetables in January! It inspires me to try some different varieties this year - we have chard, cabbage and spinach, but I want to grow cavalo nero this year. One of my resolutions for 2009!

  3. Karen, that's one pepper left out of 23 varieties that I grew this year! Actually 2, I forgot that the Thai chile is still chugging along as well. I wish I could send you a dose of sunshine. It must be BAD up your way, heard about it on the radio this morning. Hang in there, spring will come.

    Chaiselongue, if you haven't tried cavolo nero before I think you'll love it. Sometimes I start it in the spring and harvest it for the entire year.

  4. I love the pretty chard stems. There is little color up here. Everything is gray, brown and white.

  5. Daphne, that chard certainly is electric looking, worth growing just to have that color in the garden.

  6. How absolutely wonderful to see all your lovely vegetable, I'm so jealous! I've got a greenhouse and still I cannot manage to produce any vegetables in january. Well done girl :-) / Tyra


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