
Monday, January 21, 2019

Harvest Monday - January 21, 2019

Welcome to Harvest Monday. I'm stepping in for Dave of Our Happy Acres as the temporary host of Harvest Monday for the month of January while he takes a much deserved break from the task of hosting every week. Harvest Monday is where we celebrate all things harvest related. This is the place to share your latest harvests and what you've been doing with them. If you would like to link up you will find Mr. Linky at the end of this post.

Sorry I'm late with my post today, I had a minor problem come up that kept me from finishing last night.

So the harvests have been wintery looking again. One night I was in the mood to make some soup so I raided the garden for some soup materials and then some. I used the carrots, rutabaga, and fennel in the soup and saved the parsnips and radishes for another day. I use the radishes in salads and the parsnips are still in the fridge where they keep well for a long time.

Gladiator Parsnips, Short Stuff Carrots, Improved Helenor Rutabaga,
Bora King and Mini Purple Daikons,
Orion Fennel

My first harvest of Brussels sprouts is not one of my most impressive, most of the sprouts are quite small but after trimming I still netted about a pound. These were fine in a warm shredded salad and you would have never guessed that most of them were runts.

Gustus Brussels Sprouts

Pink Plume celery is still producing impressive harvests and the stalks are extra crisp and juicy because of the cool and wet weather.

Pink Plume Celery

I finally pulled up the red beets that I sowed way back in July which just never seemed to be happy. Those were the best of the bunch and the rest were so small that I couldn't be bothered to deal with them so they went into the compost. The kalettes are much happier and I got enough to make another couple of servings. Next year, actually this year, I'm going to double up on the number of plants because even though that looks like a fair amount it only weighed 6 ounces.

Sweetheart Beats and Mistletoe Kalettes

This fennel harvest came from a fennel plant that I sowed back in April of 2017 which came back in 2018 and I allowed to bloom through all of last year and after cutting it back at the end of 2018 it started producing new shoots again and some of them are turning into nice little bulbs.

Orion Fennel

I still haven't cleared out the old rodent ravaged broccoli plants and they managed to give me a handful of shoots.

Batavia Broccoli

And the volunteer cress is still growing happily in the winter weather.

Rishad Cress

Surprise! There's still a few lingering peppers in the garden.

Aji Banana

That's the latest from my winter garden. I'll keep this post simple since I'm so late getting it done. If you have a harvest you want to show off then enter a link to your post below and please leave a comment too. And be sure to visit the other bloggers who link up here.

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  1. More peppers, I can't believe it. Our sprouts both plants and sprouts are very small too.

    1. So are the sprouts available in the store; they are the dickens to peel.

  2. I thought the Aji bananas were carrots at first look. How is fennel in soup? Does its flavor overwhelm or does it melt away to nothing? Green soup is a winter time favorite of mine. Just pile in all those raunchy-looking greens, add a skin-on (tastes like mushrooms) potato and onion (first made translucent in butter), cook, blend and salt. Salt for me is usually Knorr chicken bouillon granules. It is cold and windy outside. Is that the meaning of "blustery"?

    1. Fennel does fade out in soup but I like the flavor so I sometimes I reinforce it with fennel seed and/or Pernod if I want it to be the predominant flavor. I usually do a brothy soup with chunks of veggies and whatever. Dave isn't generally fond of pureed soups so I rarely make them. Yes, I would call cold and windy "blustery". It's cold here today but not windy.

  3. I thought those were carrots too...amazing peppers!
    I'm having trouble making my blog post live (something to do with the photos) so will hopefully join in later.

  4. I have zip in my garden so to read 'I raided the garden for some soup materials and then some' just made my morning!

    1. That's a happy thought. I wish I could send some fresh veggies your way.

  5. So now you have a 2 year old fennel plant - wow! The peppers provide such a great burst of colour in January. I love soups - they are my go-to in the winter as my freezer stores provide all the ingredients and they are so quick to whip up.

  6. I’m still amazed at the fennel regrowing like that. I can’t get decent bulbs the first time, much less a second crop!

  7. I was in Seattle on Monday so no harvests but my link shows my garden last week with "potential harvests." Thanks for keeping Harvest Monday going for Dave. What a lovely harvest basket at the top of your post. Beets and kalettes are lovely side by side. Reminders that the winter garden is my favorite.

  8. Hooray, finally got to post - (app developers had to make an adjustment due to something being outdated).
    I was just thinking about your unexpected broccoli harvest.....sometimes those are the most satisfying! Am hoping to get down the allotment for a little while today and shall be inspecting my broccoli for any signs of shoots (don't normally get any til March-ish but you never know).


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