
Monday, January 28, 2019

Harvest Monday - January 28, 2019

Welcome to Harvest Monday. I'm stepping in for Dave of Our Happy Acres as the temporary host of Harvest Monday for the month of January while he takes a much deserved break from the task of hosting every week. Harvest Monday is where we celebrate all things harvest related. This is the place to share your latest harvests and what you've been doing with them. If you would like to link up you will find Mr. Linky at the end of this post. Next week Dave will be returning as our host for Harvest Monday so be sure to go to his blog Our Happy Acres if you want to link up.

There isn't anything new that came out of the garden last week. It's definitely a wintry looking bunch of harvests. The Bora King daikon radishes are mild and beautiful and have been great in salads. I used that soft ball sized celeriac in a gratin which I made almost following a recipe from a book that I have a hard time believing has been in my collection for nearly 20 years - The Cook and The Gardener. It's a simple dish, slices of celery root poached in stock and then layered in a baking dish with cheese and then baked with a mixture of creme fraiche and stock. I used a truffle pecorino instead of parmesan and poultry stock instead of beef stock, but other than that I followed the recipe. It was our "main course" one night accompanied by a salad. Dave declared it a winner.

Bora King Daikon Radishes and Prinz Celeriac

I continue to harvest carrots as I need them, mostly to add to salads. We, especially I, eat a lot of salads, it's what I have for lunch most days during the week.

Short Stuff Carrot

The celery stalks have become rather short of late but they are still crisp and succulent. I think that the cold short days in the depth of winter slowed the plants down.

Short Stuff Carrot, Bora King Radish, Pink Plume Celery

I am still amazed at how productive Orion fennel is. I've never grown a bulbing fennel that has been as productive as Orion. This is one more bulb that sprouted from the root of a plant that I sowed back in the spring of 2017. Wow! And there's more to come.

Orion Fennel

Queen of Crunch lettuce is still hanging in there. I cut one more head that was starting to bolt but the lettuce was still crunchy (very!) and not at all bitter. And I cut down more Rishad cress some of which was just starting to bolt also. It is mildly peppery but not bitter. I love it in my salads.

Queen of Crunch Lettuce and Rishad Cress

That's the latest from my winter garden. If you have a harvest you want to show off then enter a link to your post below and please leave a comment too. And be sure to visit the other bloggers who link up here.

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  1. We seem to be of one mind when it comes to carrots. I make a lot of coleslaw and use lots n that. Last year with our crop failure I really missed them.

    1. My other favorite thing to do with carrots is to roast them, they come out so sweet and delicious.

  2. I'm missing fresh greens - those look great! That carrot sure is deceptive - looks so much smaller in the basket than in the hand.

    1. That short fat carrot is fun to grow and it has been very reliable. It has become one of my favorites because it is sweet and crunchy too.

  3. I too have salads most every day for lunch. Like yours, they probably vary with what's coming from the garden or purchased additions. I'm intrigued every time I see the cress and would like to try it next fall. Celery really is at it's best in the winter months. Some years I have a plant growing in a container year round in order to have celery whenever I want it. That's some carrot--probably a little sweeter with all the cool weather. Aren't we thankful to be able to garden 52 weeks a year.


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