
Monday, March 11, 2019

Harvest Monday - March 11, 2019

My harvests last week were downright scanty, skimpy, ultralight, almost nothing. One picking of Golden Corn Salad. That's it!

Golden Corn Salad
There are still veggies in the garden to harvest but I couldn't resist three kinds of kale and a big head of cauliflower at the farmer's market, all things that I haven't had in the garden in many months. I kept my purchases light on my most recent trip to the farmer's market so I'll be raiding the garden again this week.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen 3 kinds of kale at a Farmer's Market! I've got kale here but I couldn't resist picking up purple Brussel Sprouts and orange cauliflower at the grocery last week. Those are two things I'm not likely to successfully grow here...ever!

  2. I'd like to try purple Brussels sprouts as well. I've never grown corn salad. Is it buttery? Do you use it in salads primarily?

    1. Buttery, yes, that's a good way to describe the texture. I do use it almost exclusively in salads. If the plants get to be overgrown then the leaves can be wilted, but I usually pick it before it gets to be that large. The Golden Corn Salad can get to be much larger than its close cousin mâche but is very similar in taste and texture.

  3. I have never seen Golden Corn Salad, only the green variety... I shall have to keep an eye open to see if we can get it in the UK, as it sounds tasty. I know what you mean about the lure of the market though, it can be so hard to resist at this time in the year as we hanker after a change from time to time

  4. Yum to the corn salad - that's bound to brighten up your supper.


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