
Monday, March 25, 2019

Harvest Monday - March 25, 2019

Wow, time is flying, it's officially spring already! I didn't post about any harvests last week because I spent the better part of the week in and around the town of Inverness near the Point Reyes National Seashore. We spent a good deal of our time hiking and slurping oysters and somehow we managed to eat a lot of pizza too.

Tomales Bay seen from Dancing Coyote Beach

But the week before I did do a fair amount of harvesting from the garden. That's the last of the summer sown Short Stuff carrots and one of the last Bora King radishes.

Bora King Daikon Radish and Short Stuff Carrots

And then I did pull all of the remaining Bora King and Mini Purple daikon radishes because they were starting to bolt.

Bora King and Mini Purple Daikon Radishes

And it was time to pull all the old beets.

Badger Flame Beets

The next to the last Celeriac got harvested along with more than a pound of really nice Brussels Sprouts from one of the plants. I turned the sprouts into a shredded salad with a caesar dressing.

Prinz Celeriac and Gustus Brussels Sprouts

That huge 2.5 pound celeriac was transformed by spending 3 hours in a 375ºF oven into a delicious thing of wonder. I used a recipe from Yottam Otolenghi's latest book Simple (the recipe can be found HERE). The wonder of this preparation is that the celeriac is left whole, simply trimmed of the hairy bits and thoroughly scrubbed, no peeling required, and that daunting skin becomes completely edible and delicious, it was a revelation to prepare and eat.

Whole Roasted Celeriac

It's not a great photo below but I wanted to show what a wedge of the roasted celeriac looked like. Accompanying it is beef stew with lots of onions, a take on a recipe from Six Seasons by Joshua McFadden. They were yummy together in spite of the rustic appearance.

Beef Stew and Roasted Celeriac

And finally, more Golden Corn Salad, the only salad green coming from the garden (if you don't count the Brussels sprouts).

Golden Corn Salad

That's the latest from my garden for the past two weeks. Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other garden bloggers have been harvesting lately.


  1. That celeriac really WAS huge! I confess I've never eaten one, much less grown it. It is definitely a lesser known veggie around here. Hiking, oysters and pizza sounds like a good combo to me. I picked pizza for my birthday dinner a few weeks ago, and let someone else cook it!

  2. We just can’t grow celeriac and this year our sprouts were pathetic. Like Dave I have never eaten a celeriac but would have if we had managed to grow one.

  3. Ye gods! Can anything by Ottolenghi simple? I might even lay out the four or five dollars the celeriac would cost, the recipe sounds luscious.

  4. What fun to hear about the celeriac. Like everyone else, I've never grown or eaten it. Brussels sprouts look great. I miss them as I didn't grow this year. Isn't Point Reyes amazing? Wildflowers showing up?

  5. Lovely harvests - and what a discovery (re: the celeriac cooking method)! I often find the some of the most delicious food out there is not that "pretty" - Indian food comes to mind.


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