
Monday, April 15, 2019

Harvest Monday - April 15, 2019

Well, it was another week of light harvests from the garden. I cleared out the fennel plants that I started in the spring of 2018 and netted a little over 3 pounds of bulbs. The fava plants are beautiful right now so I trimmed a couple of ounces of tender young leaves.

Orion Fennel and Fava Greens

I used 3 of the larger fennel bulbs, the fava greens, and some zucchini from the farmer's market to make a spring sauté to which I added some chicken & artichoke sausage.

So that's it for this Harvest Monday report. You can see more harvest reports at Our Happy Acres where Dave is our host for Harvest Monday.


  1. Your fennel harvests never cease to amaze me. They obviously love your climate!

  2. Fava is so useful, the flowers are pretty, too.

    Note to Dave: Fennel (not the bulbing kind) is considered an invasive weed here, but Michelle is growing a much better variety that does bulb. A funny story: If you look closely at some Greek cookbooks you will find that fennel is used, not dill. For the USA, the authors substituted dill, but since dill doesn't grow well here in SoCal, I use the tiny fresh new tips of the wild fennel. Back to the original!

    1. Enjoyed your comment, Jane. I have had the invasive (weed) fennel growing in my alley for many years. I let one large plant persist because of the swallowtail caterpillars which find it a delicacy. The summer umbels are lovely in bouquets. Nice idea to use the fresh new tips in place of dill. As a kid, we used to chew on the stalks as they tasted like licorice.

  3. It’s that time of year when we rely on food stored in the freezer.

  4. Short but sweet - and mighty tasty, I'm sure!

  5. I wish we cold have bulbing fennel here for a longer season. This time in the year the new fronds of the wild version are beginning to grow and hopefully will be large enough to add to salads with potato soon. I've never eaten Broad Bean (Fava) tops, but you have inspired me to give them a go, so thank you!


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