
Monday, April 22, 2019

Harvest Monday - April 22, 2019

The first of the napa cabbage hit the harvest basket this week and the last of it also. All four heads needed to be harvested because they were starting to bolt. Sue Martin over at ediblegardens52 linked to a recipe for some Asian style stuffed red cabbage recently and that got me thinking that I could stuff some napa cabbage leaves. And so with some more inspiration from one of my many cookbooks I stuffed some of the large outer leaves from one of the heads with ground beef and bean thread noodles and poached them in seasoned chicken broth. Those came out so good that I wrote up the recipe so that I can make them or something similar again, you can find the recipe HERE. I used the rest of that head in a sauté with some fennel. Some of another head went into a slaw with chicken and Asian flavors (that had fennel too).  More cabbage will be going into some Okonomiyaki this week, I've been using a recipe from Food52. And there will be yet more cabbage on the menu in the next week or two.

Little Jade Napa Cabbage

It was time to remove the kalettes plants from the garden so I harvested nearly all the sprouts which ranged in size from little larger than a pea to shoots a few inches long. I'm going to blanch and freeze most of the harvest. Only the first harvest got photographed, the sprouts and shoots from the other 2 plants looked pretty much the same so I didn't bother to take photos of them.

Autumn Star Kalettes

The Brussels sprouts had to go too, that's all that was left on the stalks shown below.

Gustus Brussels Sprouts

The parsnips also needed to make way for spring plantings. There were some pretty good sized roots still in the ground. Fortunately these keep well in the fridge so I don't have to use them right away.

Gladiator Parsnips

So that's the latest from my garden. Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave on his blog Our Happy Acres, head on over there to see what other gardeners have been harvesting lately.


  1. The stuffed cabbage recipe sounds delicious! I've never made stuffed cabbage leaves but the combination of flavours in your recipe sounds amazing - I've bookmarked it so that I can give it a go.

    1. Oh gosh, you do have to try stuffed cabbage leaves, whether it be napa cabbage or regular cabbage.

  2. I've made a note of the stuffed cabbage recipe too! I like that it's not tomato based, since my wife has to limit her tomato intake. I have a lot of napa cabbage planted and while I make kimchi with a lot of it there are always extra outer leaves available. Are those two giant sprouts in the bowl with the others? They look like heads of cabbage!

    1. Those are the very tops of the Brussels sprouts plants, it grows like a giant sprout or perhaps a mini cabbage. The big tops are great shredded and wilted.

  3. My Kalettes are all finished too, not looking forward to pulling them up and even worse chopping them up as we have so many!

  4. You're still harvesting parsnips? Wow.


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