Perhaps you read my post back in February about Golden Corn Salad, a lovely and tasty salad green. That's one plant above that has plenty of room, decent soil and some fertilizer, you can see how large it gets in those conditions. Below is a photo of volunteers growing in the gravel patio under a bench without benefit of fertilzer and only watered by the rain. Those volunteers were not the least bit bitter. Obviously, this tender leaved plant can take a range of conditions. They'll be back under the bench next year since I allowed a number of them to go to seed. The more lush plant succumbed to an aphid infestation before flowering.

I just cleaned a bunch of seeds from the volunteers and another sowing in the vegetable garden. That nice little pile of seeds shown below is far more than what I need for myself. Send me an email (it's on my profile page) if you would like some seeds and we can arrange to get some to you. I'm always on the lookout for seeds of rare vegetables such as this corn salad (still looking for seeds of Spanish Black carrot), so let me know if you have something to swap.

Here's a great article on Golden Corn Salad by William Woys Weaver. My original seeds came from him through the Seed Savers Exchange (there's a link on the sidebar). Alas, Mr. Weaver no longer offers seeds through SSE.