It's nice to have thyme volunteering around the garden. Definitely not a weed. It's feeding the bees and beneficial insects now but after I cut it back the plants that get some additional water will feed me.
Vinca Major |
Found on the Vinca - a Tussock Moth caterpillar.
Dude, chow down! Invite your friends.
Gardeners who like these call them tough plants. I call them weeds. Fortnight lilies,
Dietes vegata. I keep on digging them out and they keep on growing back. Again, at least the flower is pretty.
Meyer Lemon |
Pomegranate |
My pomegranate usually sets a few fruits, but they aren't very juicy or sweet so I leave them for the birds.
Last Year's Pomegrante |
Sweet Pea Shrubs started to volunteer in the "low maintenance" part of the landscape. Those get to stay.
Polygala Sweet Pea Shrub |
Lavandula stoechas very much likes to volunteer in the "low maintenance" area and comes in a variety of colors and "wing" sizes. It definitely gets to stay. (The spiky thing in the background is Puya venusta, definitely not a volunteer, definitely a trier of patience).
Gomphocarpus physocarpus is a milkweed relative that the monarch caterpillars do love to munch. Ballon plant is the polite name but it is also know as Hairy Balls or Family Jewels because that's what the seed pods look like. It volunteers around but isn't weedy.
Ballon Plant |
Another look at
Puya venusta. Cool looking plant, but it's the flowers that will grab your attention should it ever get around to blooming.
Did you happen to notice in the first photo, that yellow flowering aeonium, that there was a pole sticking up in the background? That's no pole, it's a Yucca shooting it's flower stalk skyward.
I haven't even tried to measure how tall it is, perhaps 10 or 12 feet and getting taller by the day. Oh wow, I can't wait until it starts to bloom. Did you know that yucca blossoms are edible? They can be irritating if eaten raw, but the petals are supposed to be delicious cooked and supposedly taste like a cross of green bean and artichoke.
A leftover from the days when previous owners actually put more time and money into landscaping.
Whatever you are you get to stay because you are out of the way, keep coming back, don't need a lot of water, and you bloom.
Just coming on line, not even fully open yet.
Yarrow |
I love nasturtiums and allow them to grow wherever they manage to pop up. These will be around just until the deer get hungry enough to mow them down.
Nasturtiums |
Catmint volunteers in a non-weedy way also.
Catmint |
Verbena bonariensis has the potential to be quite invasive but around here the heavy soil and lack of summer water keeps it confined to areas that get irrigated. It slowly spreads in some really tough areas along with the Santa Barbara Daisy (
Erigerion karvinskianus) that grows like a weed.
Verbena |
Another pretty thing whose name doesn't come to mind at the moment.
California poppies don't open up until the sun comes out. If you hadn't noticed I did the photo shoot on a very foggy morning which is usually good for taking photos of flowers.
This little Anna's Hummingbird (a juvenile?) was sitting watching as I took photos near the feeder. They are fearless! The ones that have been around a while will come to the feeder even when I'm standing literally next to it, sometimes they will alight even as I'm just hanging the newly filled feeder.
Anna's Hummingbird |
I love succulents and keep lots of them in pots.
This pot started with just the big ruffled thing (name forgotten) and then the others just added themselves.
I couldn't have planned it better.
A Gladiolus of some sort, I think. It's in a pot that I want to get into the ground somewhere, but first I have to figure out if the gophers like them.
Another plant in the tough-as-nails category. Sweet Alyssum will grow just about anywhere.
Darned. I missed the first caper blossom.
wake me when the sun comes out flower, Calendula is perennial in my mild climate and happily volunteers around the garden without being a pest.
Have you noticed that the majority of the flowers in my garden are volunteers? I really haven't put much effort into ornamentals for the past few years. The prolonged drought and a balky irrigation system were my excuses. It's really amazing what hangs on or even thrives in in the spots that get some water. In this case it's lobelia hanging out in a pot with a Spanish caper bush.
I might have weeded out the lobelia but this caper bush shows how capers got their latin name of
Capperis spinosa. It's a painful task to work around this variety because there is a very sharp claw like hooked thorn at the base of every leaf. The caper bushes that I harvest buds from are
Capperis spinosa inermis, which means that they've lost their spines. The funny thing is that the lobelia dosn't volunteer much of anywhere else which leads me to suspect that there's something that eats it that can't get past the spines.
Down to the end of the tour where I'll finish off with
Blue Dicks, a wild flower that is growing up next to the house.
This is probably the height of the flower season now. Spring has sprung and some late season rains prompted growth and blooms but summer is coming up fast. The rainy season is over which means that most of the more wild parts of the landscape are going to get pretty dry so only the toughest flowers will continue to bloom. I water some areas to keep things from becoming tinder but not enough to keep things looking lush.
I hope you enjoyed the tour. It was a bit of an eye opener for me because I hadn't realized just how many things were blooming around here. It's true that you stop seeing what you see all the time. Thanks Jane for prompting me to take a closer look at what's right under my nose.