Friday, January 30, 2009
Spigariello Broccoli Bonanza
Braised Spigariello Broccoli on Toast with Poached Eggs
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
A pinch of red pepper flakes (Aleppo)
1 pound Spigariello Broccoli shoots,
--- tough stems removed, tender parts, including leaves,
--- chopped into about 1/2-inch pieces
About 3 cups water
4 thick slices country bread,
---brushed with olive oil and toasted
4 eggs
Your very best extra virgin olive oil for drizzling
Salt and Fresh ground black pepper
Heat the olive oil in a medium sized saute pan over medium heat. Add the garlic and red pepper flakes and saute a bit, don't allow the garlic to brown. Add the chopped Spigariello to the pan and a pinch of salt. Stir for a couple of minutes and then add the water to the pan. Bring to boil, then turn the heat to low and cover the pan. Braise until the broccoli is tender to your liking, it took about 15 minutes for my taste. There should still be a fair amount of liquid left in the pan.
Meanwhile, bring another pan of water to a strong simmer for poaching the eggs. When the broccoli is done, remove it from the heat and set aside while you poach the eggs. (Sorry, I'm not going to give an egg poaching lesson here).
While the eggs are poaching, place the bread slices in wide shallow soup bowls (I like to warm the bowls in a low oven first). Use a slotted spoon to portion the braised Spigariello onto the bread slices, reserving the braising liquid. When the eggs are done to your liking (I like mine with runny yolks), place one on top of each portion. Pour some braising liquid over each portion, using all of it. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle on some good flaky salt and a grind of black pepper. Serve warm.
This made 2 main course portions.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mac and Cheese - My Way
My latest version of Mac and Cheese also incorporates goodies from the garden. Years ago I found a recipe for baked macaroni and cheese with cauliflower and jalapeno peppers. That recipe has evolved into the version that I made last night and am posting today.
Baked Macaroni and Cheese with Romanesco
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
3/4 cup bread crumbs made from day old bread
1/2 pound ziti, cooked and drained
---or elbow macaroni, penne, etc
14 ounces Romanesco, cut into bite size florets,
---steamed until crisp tender
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour
2 1/3 cups milk
12 ounces sharp white cheddar
fresh ground pepper and nutmeg to taste
1 ounce (or more) truffle butter, totally optional
---(that foodie embellishment)
Preheat the oven to 350F. Butter an 8-cup baking dish, such as an oval gratin dish, with 1/2 tablespoon of butter and coat with about 1/4 cup of the bread crumbs. Melt the other tablespoon of butter and toss the remaining breadcrumbs with it.
Melt the 4 tablespoons of butter in a medium-size saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in the flour and cook for a couple of minutes, whisking constantly. Whisk in the milk and cook, stirring often (I switch to a silicon spatula at this point), until it thickens and just begins to boil, about 5 minutes or so. Remove from the heat and stir in the cheese. Season with fresh ground pepper and a touch of nutmeg. Taste for salt, I added none. Stir in the truffle butter if using it.
Put the cooked pasta and Romanesco into a large mixing bowl. Pour the cheese sauce over all and stir to mix. Put into the prepared baking dish, packing it in a bit, and sprinkle the buttered bread crumbs over the top. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes, or until browned and bubbly. Start checking after 25 minutes (my oven is incredibly unreliable and should never be used for recipe testing!).
Makes 3 to 4 servings, depending on your appetite!
A glass of good Pinot Noir really helped to cut the richness of this dish.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The First Wildflower

It's a Shooting Star (Dodecatheon, I think hendersonii, but not sure). Other common names for this flower are Mosquito Bills and Sailor Caps, personally I prefer Shooting Star. This is one of the colors it comes in. The colors range from white thru pink to magenta. It's one of my very favorite wild flowers, how nice that it's the first one to appear. The petals on this blossom are not a swept back as usual, perhaps because it's not fully open yet, not sure. Dodecatheon is in the primula family. This species species needs a dry summer dormancy. It mostly grows in the full sun on my hillside, but some also grow in part shade.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Arugula, My New Favorite Variety (plus a little botany lesson)

---Ruchetta Selvatica (Diplotaxis muralis)
---Rucola Selvatica (Diplotaxis erucoides)
---Rucola Selvatica A Foglia Di Olivo (Diplotaxis integrifolia
---Rucola Coltivata (Eruca sativa)
---Rocket Selvatica Sel Liscia (Eruca sativa)
---Arugula (Eruca sativa)
---Runway Arugula (Eruca sativa)
So, look at these names... Ruchetta, Rucola, Rocket, Arugula. Thank goodness I don't have any french seeds, I would have to add Roquette to the list. The names are often used synonymously, but there are also many who make distinctions. Some would make a distinction between Ruchetta and Rucola as refering to wild and cultivated types respectively. I've seen the same distinction made between Rocket and Arugula. That's the problem with common names, they are imprecise. Yikes, what's a gardener to do?! Well, in my case, I'm just going to call them all Arugula.
Ok, why so many different Arugulas, you might ask. It all started a number of years ago (can't remember how many) with a trip to Italy. I had oh so many salads with the best tasting arugula which I figured out was a wild type (ok, I will make one distinction). I came home with a packet of seeds, grew some out and ... oh yuck, this stuff is so strong! And so the search for that increasingly elusive taste memory started. All those wild arugulas have been too strong. Look at that, there are three different species of Diplotaxis, none of them is the one I remember. Oh, and about that one exception... The Rocket Selvatica Sel Liscia, which is an Eruca sativa, which are generally the milder cultivated arugulas, is actually a wild arugula. I'm guessing it must be an undomesticated forbear of the now common cultivated types. It was too strong. And guess what, there's one more wild arugula, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, that I've not tried yet! I don't know how I missed that one, it appears to be the most common species sold as wild arugula.
I still haven't found the wild arugula that I had in Italy, (perhaps it's D. tenuifolia) but this year I've finally found a wild arugula that I like. Actually, that I LOVE it! It has a wonderful nutty flavor with just a little bit of heat that doesn't linger.
So, who's the winner in the arugula taste test...
drumroll . . . . . .

aka Olive Leaf Arugula
And one more thing, my now second favorite arugula is Runway Arugula, a cultivated (Eruca sativa) the seed for which I got from Renee's Seeds.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Spicy Meyer Lemon Marmalade

Friday, January 23, 2009
Webs, Nets, and Droplets

I don't know if there is a name for such a display,
I'm thinking Fairy Pearls

When I got to the vegetable garden they were there as well.

Pearled bird netting.

And under the netting....
Another head of Romanesco Broccoli nearly ready to pick.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Romanesco Broccoli

It looks like the rest of the Romanesco heads are not going to be very large. I'm not sure why, it could be weather related, it doesn't like temperature extremes, and the weather has swung from very cold (high 20's) to very warm (80+) in the last month. It could also be soil, a lack of some micro nutrient perhaps. Could be that lack of moisture thing.
Also harvested while I was under that stuff: a whole bunch of Spigariello Broccoli, some Piracicaba Broccoli (nearly done now), and a few leaves of Portuguese Cabbage. Oh, and I pulled a bunch of carrots as well.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Lentil Recipe with Spigariello Broccoli
Lentils with Sausage, Onions, and Spigariello Broccoli
1 cup lentils that stay intact when cooked,
--- such as du Puy, Pardina, or Norcia
3 cups water
3 smoked sausages, about 9 to 10 ounces
--- I used venison andouille
3 fresh thyme sprigs
1 fresh bay leaf
1 pound sweet onions, quartered and sliced 1/4-inch thick
1/2 cup or more olive oil
--- (don't panic, it doesn't all end up in the dish!)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 bunch spigariello broccoli, about 1/2 pound,
--- tough stems removed, tender parts, including leaves,
--- chopped into about 1/2-inch pieces
1 tablespoon pomegranate molasses or concentrate
--- or about 1/2 tablespoon good balsamico
Sort through the lentils to remove any stones or other debris, rinse them and put them in a medium sauce pan. Add the water, sausages, thyme and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, turn the heat low and simmer, partially covered, until the lentils are tender but not falling apart. This could take from 20 minutes to more than 40 minutes, depending on how old the lentils are. There should be very little liquid left when the lentils are done, it may be necessary to add more water if they take a long time to cook. When the lentils are nearly done, remove the sausages and set aside until cool enough to handle, then slice the sausages about 1/4-inch thick. Remove the thyme stems and bay leaves when the lentils are done.
While the lentils are cooking, put the onions in a medium sized skillet with the olive oil and fry the onions over medium to medium low heat (you may have to turn the heat down as the onions start to brown), until the onions are golden. Drain the onions through a metal sieve, saving the olive oil.
Return the skillet to the heat with a tablespoon or two of the onion flavored oil (reserve the remaining oil to saute something else that would taste good with the onion flavor, like potatoes). Add the garlic and saute briefly, don't allow it to brown. Add the chopped broccoli to the skillet and toss to coat with the oil, add a few tablespoons of liquid (lentil cooking liquid if there's enough) and cover the pan and braise the broccoli over low heat to whatever degree of tenderness you like, most of the liquid should be gone.
Add the sliced sausage, drained onion, and braised broccoli to the lentils, drizzle in the pomegranate molasses and stir everything together. Taste for salt, it may not be needed if the sausage is salty. Serve warm.
Makes about 4 servings.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
2009 Planting Records
Beet (experimenting)
--Burpee's Golden 1/13
--Scarlet Nantes 1/13, emerging 1/20
Chile/Pepper? (in)
Cornsalad/mache (experimenting)
--Golden Cornsalad 1/13, emerging 1/20
-- 6-pack Cavolo Laciniato (Curly Kale) 1/13, emerging 1/20
Orach (experimenting)
-- 6-pack Aurora Mix 1/13, emerging 1/20
Potato (late)
-- Long Scarlet 1/6, sprouted by 1/20
-- Long White Icicle 1/6, sprouted by 1/20
-- 6-pack Senposai 1/13, emerging 1/18
Sugar Snap Peas (experimenting)
-- 6-pack Super Sugar Snap 1/13 , emerging 1/21
Tomato? (in)
My Personal Seed Starting Guide
I've started with the seeds that I've purchased for this year and seeds that I already have that I intend to grow this year. A number of commonly grown vegetables are left out of my guide because I have no intention of growing them this year. This is my own personal guide, not an authoritative guide for everyone in a similar climate. Should I decide to grow something new I plan (best intentions, really) to update my guide. And if I'm really with it I hope to update it with information based on my own experience in the garden. I also hope to start keeping track of the actual sowing and planting out dates for each vegetable in a separate post.
Much of the information presented below is based on my favorite gardening book for my region, Golden Gate Gardening by Pam Pierce. This book is an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to grow vegetables in the San Francisco Bay Area and along the California Coast. The book includes a table of Planting Times For Sunnier Microclimates that I've been consulting for years. I believe I owe much of my gardening success to growing mostly by that schedule rather than by seed packet information which often does not apply to my climate.
Should anyone who gardens in a similar climate have any observations, pointers, helpful hints, whatever, your comments are most welcome.
All seeds are to be direct sowed in the garden or into pots or cells kept outside unless indicated otherwise.
Key to seed starting guide:
? indicates seeding or planting at this time may be possible
---but not always
?? really pushing the limits but occasionally possible
(in) start seed indoors
(plant out) plant seedlings out in garden
(mid) indicates seed can be started thru mid month
(late) indicates seed can be started after mid month
(experimenting) I'm pushing all the indicated limits or
---am just completely in the dark!
By Month
Arugula (experimenting)
Beet (experimenting)
Broccoli (in)
Chile/Pepper? (in)
Cornsalad/mache (experimenting)
Garlic (for green garlic)
Orach (experimenting)
Potato (late)
Senposai (experimenting)
Sugar Snap Peas (experimenting)
Tomato? (in)
Broccoli (in)
Broccoli (mid) (plant out)
Celery Root?
Chard? (mid)
Chard (late)
Chile/Pepper (in)
Florence Fennel
Summer Squash?
Tomato (in)
Basil (in)
Beans, Bush? (late)
Celery Root?
Chile/Pepper (in)
Cucumber? (mid)
Runner Beans? (late)
Summer Squash
Tomatillo (in)
Tomato (in)
Amaranth Greens?
Basil (in)
Beans, Bush
Beans, Pole? late
Celery Root
Chile/Pepper? (plant out)
Cucumber (late)
Melon (late)
Runner Beans (mid)
Summer Squash
Tomatillo (in)
Tomato (in)
Winter Squash
Amaranth Greens
Beans, Bush
Beans, Pole
Celery Root
Chile/Pepper (plant out)
Cumin (experimenting)
Eggplant (plant out)
Romanesco Broccoli
Runner Beans
Summer Squash
Tomatillo (direct seed out and plant out)
Tomato (plant out)
Winter Squash
Amaranth Greens
Beans, Bush
Beans, Pole
Broccoli? (plant out)
Celery Root
Chile/Pepper (plant out)
Portuguese Cabbage
Romanesco Broccoli (mid)
Romanesco Broccoli (late) (plant out)
Runner Beans? (mid)
Summer Squash
Winter Squash
Amaranth Greens
Beans, Bush
Beans, Pole (mid)
Broccoli (plant out)
Celery Root?
Portuguese Cabbage
Romanesco Broccoli (plant out)
Summer Squash
Winter Squash
Amaranth Greens
Broccoli (plant out)
Celery Root?
Portuguese Cabbage?
Spinach (late)
Summer Squash?
Broccoli? (plant out)
Carrot (mid)
Garlic (mid)
Carrot? (mid)
Carrot?? (late)
Broccoli (late) (in)
By Vegetable
Amaranth Greens: Apr?, May thru Jul, Aug?
Arugula: a work in progress, trying mid fall thru early spring
Basil: Mar thru May
Beans, Bush: late Mar? Apr thru Jul
Beans, Pole: late Apr?, May thru mid Jul
Beet: Feb thru Aug, Sept?
Broccoli: late Dec thru July
Carrot: Jan thru mid Sep, late Sep thru mid Nov? late Nov??
Celery Root: Feb thru Mar?, Apr thru June, Jul thru Aug?
Chard: Jan thru mid Feb?, late Feb thru Apr, May thru Dec?
Chiles: Jan?, Feb thru Mar
Cornsalad: Aug, Sep thru Oct?*, Feb
Cucumber: late Mar thru mid Apr?, late Apr thru mid Jun, late Jun thru mid Jul?
Cumin: totally new for me, going to try May
Eggplant: Apr thru May
Fava Beans: Jan?, Feb thru Mar, Sep thru Nov, Dec?
Florence Fennel (bulbing): Feb**
Garlic: Jan thru Feb?, late Oct thru Nov, Dec?
Kale: Jan thru Jul, Aug?
Kohlrabi: Feb thru Mar, Apr thru mid Jul?, late Jul thru mid Sep, late Sep?, Oct??
Lettuce: Jan thru Aug, Sep thru Nov?, Dec
Melon: late Apr thru May
Peas: Feb thru Mar, Aug thru mid Nov, late Nov??
Portuguese Cabbage: ***Jun thru Jul, Aug?
Potatoes: late Jan thru Aug (have heard year round w/ frost protection)
Rapini (Broccoli Rabe): Sep? Oct thru.. Mar****
Radish: Jan?, Feb thru Apr, May thru July?, Aug thru mid Oct, late Oct thru Dec?
Romanesco Broccoli: May thru mid June
Runner Beans: late Mar thru mid Apr?, late Apr thru May, thru mid Jun?
Spinach: Jan thru Mar, Apr?, late Aug thru Dec
Soybean: May thru June
Summer Squash: Feb?, Mar thru Jul, Aug?
Tomatillo: Mar thru May
Tomato: Jan?, Feb thru Apr
Winter Squash: Apr thru Jul
*A guess on my part, it tends to volunteer at this time
**Probably more dates will work but I haven't figured that out yet.
***Totally experimental since I have very little information. I've been starting seed in summer for fall and winter harvests.
****Another guess, it needs to be sown to mature in cool weather, grows quickly
Friday, January 16, 2009
The 2008 Vegetable Garden ComPost

Black Cherry
Green Grape Cherry
Isis Candy Cherry
Ananas Noir
Andine Cornue
Grappoli d'Inverno (grown in 15 gallon pots)
Large Pink Bulgarian
Not Aunt Ruby's German Green
Olomovic - sucumbed to disease
Paul Robeson
Principe Borghese (grown in 15 gallon pots)
I'm not sure what the problem was, but the cherry tomatoes did not do well in 08. The plants and the fruit were small. I suspect it was poor soil nutrition. The soil that I had brought in for the vegetable garden was really lacking in nutrients, something I didn't figure out until I had planted most of the summer vegetables. I had to feed most of the vegetables with liquid based fertilizer and the cherry tomatoes just didn't seem to respond very well. All the tomatoes planted in the "ground" started off slowly, but most seemed to come around ok with the fertilizing, especially when the weather finally warmed up late in the summer.
Calliope (Upstarts)
Kermit (Upstarts)
Los Algorrobos
Calliope and Kermit were the first eggplant to be planted and did quite well. Los Algorrobos and Rosita went in later, grew like crazy, flowered, and set little to no fruit. I harvested 2 eggplant from Rosita and none from Los Algorrobos.
Aji Dulce #1 (Cross Country)
Aji Dulce #2 (Cross Country)
Aji Dulce #3 (Cross Country)
Aji Pineapple (Chilewoman)
Aleppo (Chilewoman)
Argentina (Chilewoman)
Belize Sweet (Chilewoman)
Ciliegia di Calabria
Czech Black
Datil Sweet (Cross Country)
Doux d'Espagne (Cross Country)
Elsita (Chilewoman)
Grenada Seasoning (Cross Country)
Moravian (Cross Country)
Pimento de Padron
Rocotillo (died very young!) (Cross Country)
St. Lucia Red (Cross Country)
St. Lucia Yellow (Cross Country)
Szentesi Semi-hot (Cross Country)
Thai (Upstarts)
Tobago Seasoning (Cross Country)
Venezuela Sweet (Chilewoman)
Plenty of problems with peppers this year, but most of that is well documented already and does not bear repeating. One problem that I didn't document, Elsita fasciated when it was very small, so I cut it down low, but it never grew into a healthy looking plant - basically a dud. What did well... Pimento de Padrons were great this year, once they started producing I was able to pick once or twice a week until late in the season. Aleppo is a wonderful cayenne type chile, not too hot and not too wimpy for my taste, and I managed to save a fair amount of seeds. The Thai chile overwintered from summer of 07 and looks like it may well stick around for 09. Ciliegia di Calabria produced nicely. Czech Black also grew and produced well, but other than it's color is a little ho hum. Aji Argentina turn out to be a very tasty, and perhaps a hardy chile, and I think I managed to save some viable seed. Doux d'Espagne, I had forgotten why I ordered this pepper, especially when it turned out to be a bell (I don't generally grow them), and it turned out to be quite delicious. The Piquillo plants were a bit runty, but they did produce a pretty good crop of very tasty peppers. Aji Pineapple, what a survivor, it's still hanging in there, nice spicy beautiful pale yellow chiles.
Garden Oasis
Painted Serpent
I grew the cucumbers on one structure and the Painted Serpents pretty much shaded out the Garden Oasis cukes. Both plants seemed to be little affected by powdery mildew. The Painted Serpents produced nicely until late in the season.
Da Fiore Toscana
Rugosa Friulana
Sicilia di Bianca
The zucchinis were my first clue that my soil was nutrient poor. Anyone who has grown them knows what weeds they can be, and mine just sat there and refused to grow much. Not necessarily a bad thing with zucchini, but I didn't plant them to just sit there and take up space. The Da Fiore Toscana and Rugosa Friulana were new for me this year, but I'm not going to pass judgement on their performance in 08.
African Blue
Aromat l
Profuma di Genova
All the basils did well. African Blue is a beautiful plant that can grow quite large and is a magnet for bees. It will occasionally overwinter in my garden, but not this year. It does not produce viable seed so I generally propagate a few plants to overwinter indoors.
Other Greens:
Aurora Orach Mix
Mixed Leafy Amaranths
I didn't get around to harvesting the orach until it was a bit too mature so I'm going to give it another try in 09. The colors are beautiful and what little I did try early on was very tasty and will be really pretty with the cutting lettuces. The orach seed heads were very pretty in flower arrangements.
Garlic: varieties harvested in 08
Czech Broadleaf
Georgian Crystal
All three varieties of garlic grew well and I planted some more of each this year.
Tarbais pole beans
Crimson Flowered Favas
The Tarbais beans were a complete and total failure, they rotted in the ground. Better luck, I hope, in 09. I planted the 08 crop of favas rather late and by the time the started to flower the weather was getting too warm and they set only a few pods. I saved every single pod for the seeds. For 09 I planted much earlier and am happy to say that every seed except one has germinated and is growing nicely (no seedcorn maggots on the crimson favas). I'm excited, the flowers on these favas are really beautiful!
Everything below was planted in 08 but is still in the garden.
Salad Greens:
Cutting Lettuce Mix
Olive Leaf Wild Arugula
Vit Corn Salad
The cutting lettuce mix is on it 3rd succession, one pot is starting to bolt so it will be cleaned out and replanted soon. The Arugula is finally recovered enough from bird predations that I can harvest it. I've been harvesting the corn salad leaf by leaf rather than whole rosettes, the leaves have been a nice addition to the cutting lettuces.
Cavolo Nero Kale
Evenstar American Rapini
Giant Nobel Spinach
Golden Chard
Olive Leaf Rapini
Penco Povoa Verde Cabbage
Piracicaba Broccoli
Romanesco Broccoli
Spigariello Foglia Liscia Broccoli
Plenty of remarks about most of the brassicas in previous posts. However, the olive leaf rapini seeds seem to be old, I had very poor germination so I'm going to get new seed.
Atitlan Snow Pea
Super Sugar Snap Pea
Atitlan was producing nice big tasty pods until the frost damaged them. The plants seem to be doing ok and I'm going to try cutting them down to force new growth for a spring crop. The birds munched most of the Sugar Snaps before they were 6 inches high. A few plants remain and I'm starting new plants in containers to add to the current planting.
Root Vegetables:
Chioggia Beet
Scarlet Nantes Carrot
Tonda di Parigi Carrot
The beets and Scarlet Nantes have been and still are producing very nicely. The Tonda di Pargi is an experimental planting in a pot. They are a small round carrot and are doing well, but one potful of plants will produce maybe 2 pickings. I have to plant a lot more to really make it worth while.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
The first surprise, one of the caper bushes is still blooming. It's planted up against a south facing wall that must absorb and radiate back enough heat to keep the plant from going fully dormant. Most of the other caper bushes are in different degrees of dormancy, depending on their exposure. It probably helps that this variety has a low trailing growth habit, the more upright capers were hit harder by the frost.

So, lets move on to the stalwart bloomers.
Primula x pubescens (seemingly not "Exhibition Blue")
Sweet Alyssum
More Sweet Alyssum
I let the Alyssum volunteer around the garden because the bees and other beneficial insects love it.

A volunteer geranium which I haven't identified.
For Daphne, a photo of the rosemary in bloom.
I wish I could send you some to brighten your day!

The tiny flowers of Coleonema pulchellum "Sunset Gold"
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Couple More Of My Weird Pizzas
Pizza #1
- Coarsely grated Gruyere
- EvenStar American Rapa, wilted, excess moisture squeezed out, chopped and tossed with some olive oil
- Sweet Italian Sausage (Boccalone of course), pinched off in pieces about the size of a hazelnut
- Thin sliced Aji Argentinas
Pizza #2 (ok, none of these ingredients came from the garden)
- Blue cheese (Pt. Reyes Blue)
- Carmelized onion
- Thin sliced white potatoes, tossed with garlic and olive oil and prebaked until softened and starting to turn golden
- Chopped green olives (a mix of cernignola, picholine, and hm, can't remember the name, big, round, bright green)
Ok, that's it, gotta get back outside while it's nice!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Exploring the Tide Pools
There is really nothing about this post that in any way relates to gardening, but I think most gardeners are nature lovers so I offer this up to you.

Chitons, don't know what kind.

Each hole inhabited by a Purple Sea Urchin, looks like a condo complex!
It's a huge condo complex. Evey hole bored by a sea urchin.
Coralline Alge encrusted rocks with some sea grass as well.
Seaweeds, don't remember which kinds.
Seaweed doesn't have roots, it pulls nutrients from the water across its entire surface, thus the texture which increases surface area and increases water flow over the surface.

A seaweed called "Dead Mens Fingers" because it's texture reputedly
feels like water logged dead flesh.
Some sea grass at bottom left also.
There is so much in this photo that it's hard to describe.
Sea Urchins, Anemones, Orange Sponges, Ochre Stars, Carniverous Chiton.....
An interesting rock formation with dried seagrass which looks like hair.
The seagrass will revive when it is immersed in sea water again.
Ochre Sea Star
Purple Sea Urchins and A Sea Anemone
Anemones exposed and closed up for protection from drying.
They remind me of Thumbprint Cookies!
A gorgeous crab, don't know what kind.
More Anemones and a bunch of snails.
The rock formations are beautiful at this beach.
The sun was setting as we left.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Sparrow for Dinner? Update
The brassicas are now under lock-down. See......... sheese, what a ridiculous setup

Someone (yeah you know who) likes to get in there and kick the dirt out.
I'm a bird lover, but my patience has its limits. What a pain it's going to be to harvest and tend my poor plants. Oh, and to forstall one helpful hint, flashy objects did not deter the birds. There is definitely one downside to not allowing my cats access to the vegetable garden.